Example sentences of "[noun pl] that have [not/n't] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In actual fact I 've got a friend and I go potholing with him , we meet , he 's a Kendall farmer , he 's a a sheep farmer and er , we meet and he says you know what I 've got a problem with on my land , not foxes dogs and walkers that have n't got them on the leads and crows at lambing time cos they peck their eyes out and things of that calibre , he says yes , I 'll tell you what I 'll bet you I 've had animals taken by foxes he , he says I probably have , he said but I 've not had this kind of unindeighted killing as .
2 As the figure shows , the subjects came to respond only when the tone was on , but they formed the discrimination less rapidly than control subjects that had not received pre-exposure .
3 Wagamama is a smoke-free zone , whereas Belgo sells untipped Tigre gaspers in cute packets that have n't changed since the Fifties .
4 They 've got a supermarket , if that 's a hairdressers that has n't made it , it 's not a good sign .
5 The indications for TIPSS were bleeding from gastric varices ( six patients ) or recurrent bleeding from oesophageal varices that had not responded to repeated injection sclerotherapy ( 10 patients , number of bleeds two to more than 10 before TIPSS ) .
6 Similarly , bleeding from oesophageal varices that have not responded to repeated sessions of injection sclerotherapy is a further indication for surgical intervention .
7 On the fireguard , above the fireplace , i there was n't many houses that had n't got a line across the fireplace , like that .
8 There were five boats moored to the shored-up bank , all with names beginning Duke , hung with bright blue fenders that had n't saved them from long scratches and stains .
9 America and Japan are the only members of the Paris club of rich-country creditors that have not reduced Africa 's debts .
10 ‘ There are local authorities that have not bothered to have a policy — let alone implement it .
11 Of the richest thirty-five countries in 1958 , all but six had the required level of primary education in 1920 ; vice versa , of the fifty countries that had not achieved the minimum level of primary education in 1920 , only one was among the developed countries in 1958 .
12 The right answer is that all those who have signed the treaty should abide by it , the safeguards in the treaty applied to signatories such as Iraq should be strengthened , and countries that have not signed it should be encouraged to do so .
13 He remembered in particular a long and mawkish poem he had written when his father died : an attempt to create emotions that had n't existed .
14 In fact , there are now more companies with no plans for future investment ( 52 companies ) than companies that had not made any investment over the previous three years ( 43 ) .
15 By the late 1990s , however , it sees the industry being significantly challenged by competition as the technological and regulatory barriers to entry into the telephone business start to erode more rapidly , it says , warning that as that happens , telephone companies that have not become market-driven organisations will risk falling behind .
16 Now , he said , while small companies are able to take advantage of small but cheap schemes such as that operated by the IoD , there are also very few major companies that have not taken out this type of insurance .
17 The earlier detection of prostatic cancers that have not spread will surely allow us the opportunity to treat and cure some of these patients .
18 Bear in mind that a fish 's immune system ceases to function below about 50°F … any wounds or bacterial lesions that have not healed by that time will worsen during winter , for unfortunately the bacteria have a lower temperature tolerance than the fish .
19 In 1793 the first Republican French ambassador received a rapturous welcome when he arrived off Seraglio Point , his ship flying the Ottoman , Republican French and American colours , ‘ and those of a few other powers that had not sullied their arms in the impious league of tyrants ’ .
20 Furthermore , even the archaic powers that had not started from the position of being nation-states were forced to compete ; the Tsars thrust their reach eastwards to block the British advance in Asia , to stop the other Europeans in China , and finally to try to halt the westward movement of Japan .
21 Those were things that had not necessitated a vacation in the south of France .
22 The Comet was listed after the damage had been done , and with the Prospect Inn it was necessary to itemise all the things that had not changed , since the superficial impression of change was predominant .
23 You know that you 've got , the fact that you can get current statements at the press of a button from July onwards , we should be able to say that means that on the teams that have n't got ta control the work going round to quotes and back again , having it typed and back again ,
24 Whether in the SenFed or in the Freeworlds that have n't joined , there is simply no such thing as one hundred percent security .
25 All this contrasts vividly with those many families that have not taken on board self-fulfilment for their children , but have left them to their own devices : the ‘ latch-key ’ children , those out in the streets , members of territorial gangs .
26 One of the things that 's wrong with British shipping is that too much of it is in the hands of ancient mariners , dyed-in-the-wool shipping families that have n't had a new idea since the days of sail .
27 but there was some stuff with like dates that had n't happened yet in ninety four or something er
28 In part , as the UNCTC considers , this is due to a ‘ widespread impression that service industries consist largely of technologically stagnant , small-scale personal services based on unskilled labour working with little capital in ways that have not changed for many years ’ .
29 Thus , they remain one of the few fungal orders that have not had at least one member grown from spore to spore in artificial culture , a prerequisite for any sort of genetic , physiological or biochemical research .
30 Several complications arose in earlier patients that have not recurred after modification of the initial technique .
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