Example sentences of "[noun pl] that we [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 There were all sorts that we dealt with in those days .
2 Thank you very much , Sir Leonard for that , in th in the beginning of your address you posed the question , what does a company like I B M have to do with a community and then proceeded to answer your question , I think in a most , er , comprehensive way , and I I speak as someone who lives in a county , Hampshire , where I B M has a strong er , base , and I know from personal experience as a volunteer in that county , how much we value the contacts that we have with I B M and the way in which we work together with them in the way that you have described .
3 And as we set out in the management letter , it 's a requirement of the audit commissioners code of practice , as we do report to areas of all the authorities that we deal with on an annual basis .
4 They are not reasons for the impulses but causes that hark back to the primitive responses that we share with many animals ; yet qualified by noting that we , unlike dumb brutes , can reflect upon our impulses and resist them if we so decide , as happened in my example .
5 cos that 's the only the only companies that we dealt with er up to four years ago .
6 And again one of the great concerns that we have with the development of N H S Trusts , is those Trust Boards are able to determine their own policies in respect to staffing , to set their own pay scales for staff , also they are able to do their business to a large extent behind closed doors .
7 It gives me the opportunity not only of placing on the official record the Committee 's thanks to its staff for their work , not only of drawing to the attention of the House what I think is the first debate on community care to be initiated in the Chamber which is not part of a debate on another measure , but also of drawing attention to the number of firsts that we score with this report and debate .
8 It seems that all the things that we met with in life and thought of as advantages in the beginning , are found to be grave disadvantages ; and all those things that in our youth we thought of as severe disadvantages , at last come to be seen as benefits .
9 But these were hardly distinguishable from drainage channels , having none of the features that we associate with canals .
10 Many of the organisational procedures that we use with small groups can easily be adapted , for example giving out cards with relevant information .
11 The A&R depts that we dealt with when last I was in a band ( about 18 months ago ) all seemed to consist of young men in Armani suits and long raincoats , who only stayed for the first four numbers then left .
12 Even the band of wavelengths that we share with other animals may create very different impressions , for there are a wide variety of eye designs in the natural world .
13 Now brackets were n't invented for algebra , they were invented for these normal numbers that we play with .
14 And but to cover a a number of issues that we deal with in what , you know
15 It need not cost , cost the County Council anything at all , right , the combination and so on , we can do it for relatively low cost , and may get financial support , it 's a , it 's something worth doing to exploit the links that we have with our Embassies and Chambers of Commerce abroad .
16 Despite the definitive nature of this brochure , we still can not include the six hundred plus hotels that we work with in Italy .
17 The way that we continue , our clients , the ones that we contract with , are anxious to continue working with us .
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