Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb past] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Rory leapt back , staggered on legs that had gone half to sleep , and only just scrambled into the broom cupboard and got the door shut before the bedroom door opened .
2 His orders were to apply the methods that had proved so successful in Vienna to mop up the surviving Jewish influence at the heart of the Reich .
3 But the amount of money we received would have been so little that we thought it would be far more useful if instead I could be given a job in one of the innumerable Allied offices that had sprung up everywhere .
4 In fact everything that I am not , she thought swiftly , remembering the sickly pale face with its halo of tousled auburn curls , and the huge , startled green eyes that had stared back at her from the bathroom mirror only moments ago .
5 Blufton smiled with pleasure , wrinkles tugging at his eyes that kept searching hungrily for their faces .
6 With a helpless sigh she stared into deep grey eyes that seemed to see too much .
7 The face was long and pale , with a shaggy beard and eyes that seemed to look out from deep hollows .
8 They had n't been hurt , not so much as a graze on them , yet when the all-clear sounded , they came out of their buildings and stood on their street with blank eyes that seemed to stare inwards .
9 Luciano Bartocci 's office was tall and narrow , with shelves of books that seemed to lean inwards like the sides of a chimney as they rose towards the distant ceiling .
10 This was the emotion he had tried to purge himself of by identifying with the snakes that had taken up residence in the ashes of his family 's land .
11 Mr Snowden was released by firemen just before 8 am and police opened one lane of the eastbound A45 around 10 am purely to help clear the tailbacks that had built up .
12 Indeed the nations that stood to gain most from European expansion were those which burdened their economies least with the unproductive business of armies and bureaucracies .
13 Nutty was excited at the opportunities that had opened up , and finding out Seb 's all-too-human frailty inspired her to thoughts of a smashing victory .
14 Most prospective houseowners kept their feet on the ground and proceeded with caution , suspicious of unconvincing voices that called Do n't Worry It Will All Come Right In The End .
15 The lips that had soothed now hardened , and when she stiffened in fright his tongue ran along her mouth with shocking intimacy , easing her lips apart and moving inside to tease her tongue and explore the warmth .
16 The X-rays that had proved so offensive and shown up that considerable blob had been taken more than three weeks previously .
17 The essence of the British suggestion was that the time had come to rationalise the proliferation of European institutions that had sprung up over the past decade , most specifically by introducing a single European assembly which , unrelated to any one organisation , would serve them all .
18 The Course abandoned the use of triple and quadruple modules at the time of the 1984 CNAA resubmission for reasons that had to do both with inflexibility for student programmes and with the risk of student failure .
19 Among the shields are those of Bohemia , Moravia , Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia , the states that went to make up the lands of Bohemia .
20 As she came through the side roads to her house she heard a few trial notes on a wind instrument of some sort — a clarinet , was it ? a run of notes that seemed to carry on where the last solitary trill of the bird had stopped , and then a beat , beat , beat of a bass and a drum slowly swinging in , and the band , trying out their numbers high up in a house , lilted together into a piece , melancholy at base with gay little twiddles from the clarinet bravely calling that nightfall was not the end of hope , not a closure — a little bit of swing filtering over back gardens to draw people out , out into the spring night , a beat along the channels of their blood suggesting that this hour , as the light dies , as the dusk creeps along the ground , is not an ending but a beginning .
21 John had ironed out all the minor snags that had cropped up , watched over by Peter , a PFA inspector and builder of a magnificent WW1-type biplane .
22 The head of the figure at the extreme left , for instance , is different in colour from those of the central figures , and even different from the body to which it is attached ; in it the pale pinks that had characterized so much of the work of 1906 have been mixed with black to produce a much more sombre effect .
23 Britain prefers absolute standards , which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level .
24 At the same time , two other research programmes that stood to benefit handsomely from the stimulus plan — the $103 million proposed for the Advanced Technology Program ( ATP ) within the Department of Commerce and $47 million sought for cooperative research agreements between industry and the national laboratories in the Department of Energy — are expected to remain important priorities for the Clinton administration and to enjoy rising budgets in 1994 despite the temporary setback in Congress .
25 the train had made its imperceptible departure and was rolling along again past the uninhabited infinity of rocks and lakes and conifers that seemed to march on to the end of the world .
26 On March 30 , 1990 , the Bundestag approved a gene technology law which aimed to create a legal framework to regulate the area and remove the legal uncertainties that had existed before , including those resulting from the Hoechst case .
27 Throughout these crucial years of twentieth-century growth , the many colonial countries that had provided so many natural and human resources for the Western machine began to demand an independence of their own , fired by the very principles of democracy that had sprung out of the Enlightenment and inspired the French and American revolutions .
28 As the man who had emerged to lead France out of the abyss of June 1940 , he could hardly countenance a return to the errors that had brought about the débcle .
29 After the performance , while the pageant was swilling its way through mud , finding out the boulders that had sunk deep into the roadways , Gabriel would sit with Lucie and Izzie in the smallest wagon of all , the kitchen wagon .
30 The rocks referred to were boulders that had come down off the moor in the flood .
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