Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pers pn] [vb past] she " in BNC.

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1 Ruth did not have to finish what she had begun to say ; she saw from the look in their eyes that they understood her .
2 Fru Møller , who resented the embargo on her taste within the house , and frequently complained of the frustration she endured at having to maintain the past in all its detail , enjoyed the discipline the White Garden imposed , the contacts that it brought her in the gardening world , and the admiration its unusual beauty reflected upon her .
3 She signed the forms that he brought her to sign , even though the name on them was n't always her own , and then Belov slipped them into a file under a stack of others and took them away again .
4 She looked so pornographic in her gimmicks that I wanted her to take them off again , or better , much better , push bits of them aside .
5 Vortigern was so taken by her charms that he took her for his wife .
6 Your spouse would have her own estate plus the fifty thousand pounds that you left her .
7 Her pen shot across the page , making symbols that she hoped she could decipher later on .
8 The island presented such a complex profile to the early European navigators that they assumed her to be separate islands — and her pluralized name remained all the way up to Indonesia 's independence when an orgy of name-changing occurred and Celebes was renamed Sulawesi , and her capital , Makassar , became Ujung Pandang .
9 Resenting my making decisions that she felt she ought to make .
10 We revealed yesterday that another of Courtney 's victims is still too terrified to tell police that he attacked her .
11 Victoria and Kay were so impressed with her rapport with the children that they asked her to work in the morning as well .
12 He did n't hesitate and say ‘ I 'll have to ask God about that ’ ; in the few seconds that it took her to express her need , Elisha knew what to say to her .
13 It was n't until she began her tour of the estate agents that she realised she had completely forgotten to settle Elise 's outstanding account .
14 Maybe three months into training , when the captive trees behind the hotel complex burned into autumn flame and the air smelt of bonfires that they told her did n't mean danger , Chesarynth shivered across to the school .
15 She lay awake for a long time that night , going over the conversation with her mother , trying to work out what she should say to Leo , and she rehearsed so many and varied conversations that she thought she 'd go mad .
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