Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Soloway 's comment that , ‘ The birth control groups found it difficult to persuade the middle and upper-class membership of the feminist organizations that access to the contraceptive methods was a genuine problem ’ , seems both ill-founded and unnecessary .
2 Like the IP 3 R , RYRs exist as tetramers , with the C-terminal regions co-operating to form the calcium channel , and the large N-terminal regions forming bulbous heads that project into the cytosol ( Fig. 2a and b ) .
3 With God as the absorbing focus of our lives , we can act and love , trust and desire , in ever-deepening channels that flow into the ocean itself .
4 Some specialise in eating timber , boring away inside posts and logs until they become hollow shells that collapse at the touch of a finger .
5 A broad strath with a river meandering through , the upper reaches of one of the tributaries that flow through the city to join the main river estuary .
6 The beetles , wasps , and squirrels that feast upon the oak tree are minuscule , compared to the tree itself .
7 It is in our primary schools that potential above the commonplace is likely to be first identified .
8 In concerning ourselves with the needs of pupils , we may too long have ignored the need to give our teachers services and support and help them to feel adequate to cope with the demands that education in the modern world is making upon them .
9 Brain-dead beauties with lips that gibber , lips that quiver , lips that mushroom to the size of minor continents before the startled eyes of glamour photographers .
10 Brain-dead beauties with lips that gibber , lips that quiver , lips that mushroom to the size of minor continents before the startled eyes of glamour photographers .
11 Does it indicate that these patients have got such severe coronary artery disease in other vessels that opening of the occluded vessel will not affect overall survival ?
12 It 's easy to see how important the Occupation Road used to be , because every so often the little becks that rundown from the fell to cross the track are culverted underneath the lane through well-made stone-lined tunnels .
13 I have always managed to miss the occasional pairs that nest on the Union Canal near my home and I am relying on second-hand reports when I say that the drake whistles softly to his mate who makes raucous growling noises in return .
14 It is in the context of such cases that discussion of the merits or otherwise of legal intervention is really centred .
15 It 's like looking at those maps that colour in the World 's Religions .
16 Insofar as ‘ History ’ names the horizon of totalization of those ethico-political meanings that point in the direction of social change , it here not only loses its single meaning , but threatens to lose even the bases on which its meaning is constituted .
17 There is a narrow line between harness fund raising and commercial exploitation and within the thin financial margins that schools operate there may be a temptation to fudge issues and associate with producers and distributors of products that conflict with the school 's or parents ' values .
18 Here in China is an unending prospect for the lovers of poetry ; its poems are like delicate threads of mosaics of brittle glasslike images that flow in streams of little pictures over water-falls that cascade from the scrolls .
19 The wind has died and now from the brooding world of the floor of the forest there burst from on high the calls of birds that cascade through the dense branches like the chimes of Chinese wind bells .
20 Head of fisheries David Jordan said : ‘ It was clear from the responses that opposition to the proposed scheme was widespread . ’
21 There are some true crocus specials that flower in the autumn , like the lavender-blue C speciosus and pale lilac-pink C zonatus .
22 Lastly , the researcher has to consider the effects that publication of the book may have on the community portrayed in it , and particularly on any individuals who may feature .
23 What is considered the ‘ automobile industry ’ thus becomes a wide variety of technologies evolving toward all sorts of applications that flow from the same strand of technological development toward different markets .
24 It 's a bit like those planes that land in the fog at night .
25 They tend to focus attention on the state and the implications that flow from the capitalist economic base .
26 Critics of our two-party system also point to the injurious implications that flow from the " vote motive " and the practical effects of electoral competition within the political market place .
27 There are many old sayings and proverbs that point to the wisdom of thought before action , such as ‘ look before you leap ’ , ‘ more haste , less speed ’ , ‘ second thoughts are best ’ , and so on .
28 This group , known as T.E.C.A. , the Teachers ' Economic and Cultural Association Ltd. had been impressed by the strong nationalistic tone of Williams ' book and they wholeheartedly agreed with his sentiments that education of the people should be ‘ part of their democratic privileges and their democratic responsibilities ’ .
29 Since the 1950s the USSR has tried to persuade Latin American governments that trade with the eastern bloc should be ‘ a major element in the Latin American countries ’ drive for economic independence' , since it would enable them ‘ to gain more favourable terms with the industrially developed capitalist states , to consolidate their forces in the struggle against foreign monopolies [ and ] to expand their export ( sic ) and develop their industry and agriculture ’ ( Gladkov : 1975 , p. 11 ) .
30 They are not ashamed of bargain-hunting : amorous couples go to love-hotels that charge by the hour , not the posh pay-per-stay sort that Tokyo 's residents patronise .
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