Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pron] [vb mod] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And er then there was er oak and then there was different kinds of woods that you used to could you know s er imitate , make them look like maybe er er walnut .
2 THE name of the current month shows in its Latin origins that it used to be the 10th month of the year , not the 12th .
3 Er you see the the wireless that we 'd got was the old cats whisker on a crystal , you see , and a pair of earphones that we used to And if anybody rustled a paper , you see ?
4 She kissed and blessed him and hugged him close , and it seemed to the uneasy watchers that she would after all change her mind .
5 Er what made me smile when they found out that the salt were going through these er motorway bridges and attacking the steel work in the concrete with all sort of powers that they would of known that would n't ya ?
6 There was different th different things that we used to used to do , I mean erm that was Sunday taken care of .
7 I 'm old , I know I 'm old and I ca n't do all the things that I used to be able to do .
8 The erm but most of us are when yo , when you first join something you can always see the things that you ought to be able to change .
9 give the same protection and employment rights that you would to other employees who have problems related to other forms of ill-health
10 I have stopped telling customers that it used to be ripened under piles of manure , as it seemed to stop them from buying it .
11 Could n't we have the arguments that we used to ?
12 Yeah but you ca n't get speed on on water turbines that you can on er steam .
13 This , I believe , is against the law , but it is a law that deserves to be broken , for it is the puritanical nonsense of excluding children — and therefore to some extent , women — from pubs that has turned these places into mere boozing-shops instead of the family gathering-places that they ought to be . ’
14 Ramsey entered this conference with a reputation outside England as well as inside it ; and the proceedings of the conference confirmed the opinion of a lot of bishops that he ought to be their next leader .
15 What we 're are saying is , There are the sites , they do n't have the development constraints that I would to the extent erm that you believe erm they have , and Skelton and the two objection sites are very well located a whole range of service facilities and employment opportunities , and development on those sites would fit squarely within local plan policy .
16 THE husband of a heavily-pregnant woman found hanging in a garage told one of her friends that he used to be a backing guitarist for Eric Clapton , a court heard yesterday .
17 THOUGH much smaller in numbers that it used to be , Courtaulds Italia has managed to weld together a team which blends experience with freshness .
18 Sennett was the initial genius who taught the others that anything ought to be tried that produced laughter and that the ultimate test was whether any movie actually worked for audiences .
19 It could be that the recession is biting , and that people just do n't have the kind of money to spend on records that they used to .
20 And this is where the second proposal is , that , there is again confusion between having a joint pol erm , a , erm , a joint policy group at chief officer level , and J C P T , and that again those should as it were combined , but that the arrangement could be s could be erm , kept as small and tight to encourage effective action as you move into joint commissioning , and that is bringing your budget alongside that of the Health Authority , and would be the best way to get erm , the best leverage on services that you can across that divide .
21 Where there was reluctance — as in Britain — middle-class pressure had to be brought to bear in order to convince the politicians that something ought to be done .
22 The military regime in Iraq laid claim to Kuwait on the grounds that it used to be part of the Ottoman province of Basra .
23 yes , I suppose actually really you see it 's like the network evenings that there used to be in that ghastly little pub at the West End
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