Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Has the Liberal party broken a convention , or was it merely a display of bad manners that they left the Chamber immediately after their spokesman had finished ?
2 Many would-be claimants are so afraid of going into solicitors ' offices that they try the local Citizens ' Advice Bureau ( CAB ) first .
3 It was as commander of the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards that he won the DSO at the Battle of Tumbledown during the Falklands campaign .
4 Roughly speaking , chapters in the present alternate with chapters from earlier periods , cast in such different styles that they emphasize the novel 's formal discontinuity .
5 Trading Standards however important , and Trading Standards is very important , erm , when you 're getting down to erm , reductions in equipment and uniforms and men , then lives are at risk , it is really a matter of er , er , of , of for our fire fighters that they have the right equipment and the right uniform and when it actually comes down , you ca n't compare that to maybe reductions in Trading Standards .
6 One morning he went so far as to say to Nikos that he thought the affair was now over .
7 But the King for prevention of offences may by proclamation admonish his subjects that they keep the laws , and do not offend them ; upon punishment to be inflicted by the law , & c .
8 It must be a phrase or short sentence , and include words that you feel the children need to learn to spell , e.g. " The sun is really shining . "
9 Erm and although I will briefly go through some technical ones erm motion number two to erm er because it 's in relation to growth savings that we have the differences between the budgets and which are actually being er proposed and er I suppose we do need to go through number six carefully as well about structural maintenance funds .
10 An analysis of the concept of ontological existent , as we saw , brings certain other categories into focus with which this concept is structurally interlinked and demands that we widen the scope of our investigation .
11 William Waldegrave , the health secretary , rejected nurses ' demands that he delay the government 's NHS reforms because patients ( they said ) are suffering .
12 It is a property of geometric indices that they understate the price rises and overstate the absolute size of a price falls of a portfolio of shares ( see Chapter 1 ) .
13 It is important to be able to prove to prospective employers that you have the relevant experience for the job .
14 ‘ It is at these times that you realize the blessings of a good thick skirt ’ , she reported after her rescue .
15 I would n't tell him until he assured me three times that I had the job .
16 He wanted to do more than just look ; it was at such times that he felt the urge to paint .
17 When he arrived at the BBC as deputy Director-General in 1987 , John Birt even told the Financial Times that he found the place ‘ crudely , thoughtlessly anti-Establishment . ’
18 There were three beds , three cupboards , one desk and no external signs that anyone inhabited the space .
19 The fact that he had written a large part of it after his marriage led him to think of it as a work quite different from the one he had originally envisaged.It was while engaged on it at Kensington Court Gardens that he added the more tender love scenes which provide its real poetry .
20 Yet it was in those six countries that it enjoyed the greatest influence and where it was able to generate the most support .
21 IT WAS through a mist of mixed emotions that I watched the South African team take the field at the Sydney Cricket Ground for their first match in the 1992 World Cup , against the Australians .
22 Generally , though , the effect is one of stillness , of supreme design : it is only in passing a family raising picks over their heads to break the deep brown clods that you consider the huge effort which has made this landscape .
23 We pointed out to the companies that they let the contracts , and could therefore require trade union representation as a condition of awarding them .
24 While it is through the physical senses that we experience the world , it is largely through our emotions that we interpret it and our relationship to it .
25 There was a pause in which you could have heard a pin drop — if you could have heard anything over the machine noise which had so invaded their senses that it had the quality of silence .
26 Is there any major between the P S P and the er , the Mortgage Master which would , nor normally say to the client , well , I would recommend in these circumstances that you have the Mortgage Master , because it does .
27 So it 's in fact in those eighteen lines that he describes the fox and brings it to life in the poem .
28 It was not until I had been in the camp some days that I learnt the full story of the past .
29 Sigarup was chosen as one of the village representatives and was paid twenty rupees for each of the five days that he attended the course .
30 Locke attempted to explain epistemic appearances in terms of sensations leading so quickly on to judgements that we mistake the judgements for sensations .
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