Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [verb] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 But what I ca n't understand is why you needed to know what star sign I am , or the characteristics that go with it .
2 Between them , these two events introduced a vast new audience to the wildly sensual new Brazilian dance called the lambada , and the songs that go with it .
3 Each salmon remembers the precise taste of the waters in which it hatched , a flavour derived from the mix of minerals in its mud and the plants and animals that live in it .
4 That 's perk , the perks and the bonuses that go with it but the contract , that 's what really counts is n't it ?
5 In contrast both to traditional views of form , and to some Formalist statements about the device , it calls attention to the organization of the text in its totality , the structure of the text being simply the totality of the relationships that obtain within it .
6 And the words that went with it said that ‘ after enjoying a leisurely breakfast the eagle soared high over the park and set course north , towards Scotland , where golden eagles come from .
7 My own favourite example of this attack , and the contradictions that came with it , was that as Council members we were asked both to take pride in an NEA-sponsored and adulatory film about the graffiti that were then disfiguring the New York City subway system , and to support lavishly the great American museums whose distinguished collections were ( and remain ) a standing rebuke to the so-called experimental art of which graffiti were then such a beguiling component .
8 At any energy there will be at least one closed orbit , and this orbit is said to parent the family of non-closed orbits that librate around it .
9 But besides that there 's a lot of other influences that come into it , and you must n't ever forget that it 's a song you 're playing — to me , that has absolutely everything to do with what notes you 're playing .
10 But it also has relevance to the pro-active marketing of credit and , to my mind , nicely illustrates the crossroads the industry has reached and the opportunities that lie beyond it .
11 Ministers of Information know … that it is in the State 's own interests to give the greatest possible freedom to institutions that depend on it , provided of course that they are well-managed .
12 expressing concern at ‘ Abd al-Ra'uf Ghabin 's most recent arrest and asking for the reasons that lead to it ;
13 Leadership training programmes are being set up to strengthen team building and the working skills that go with it .
14 Ray Sunman , the Darlington council officer who helped coordinate the project , said : ‘ I believe our success has influenced a great many projects that came after it .
15 The pope 's tribunal was the highest tribunal for all , but why should this tribunal not be extended in practice by the delegation of cases that came to it from all over Europe to judges , acting on behalf of the pope , in the countries from which the appeals came ?
16 Bair provides informative accounts of de Beauvoir 's war-time activities , of the existentialist ‘ circle ’ and the shifts that occurred within it , as well as a fill discussion of de Beauvoir 's involvement with the women 's movement in her later life .
17 When truth gets distorted so do the values that go with it .
18 Seeds , which were sold loose , and all the fertilizers and er erm accessories that go with it .
19 Rangers , millions in debt , are obsessed with European success and the rewards that go with it .
20 And therefore they wanted the rewards that go with it .
21 Are we going to go for fourteen lane high way , or motorway , on the M twenty five , cos if you do , all the roads that lead from it are going to have to be fourteen lane .
22 At a turn of the clockwork motor of the bulky camera , Leavitt had proclaimed that this submission to the seasons , to the rains , to the predations of lions , to the pasturing of cattle and all the placatory rituals that went with it , was unnecessary .
23 He surprised the nation with the announcement , made in a radio and television broadcast on Saturday night , that his government has refused registration to any of the 13 political associations that applied for it .
24 According to Cowey ( 1982 ) and Humphreys and Riddoch ( 1987 ) humans with damage to the temporal visual cortex , or the prestriate areas that feed into it , also suffer major impairments in object recognition , known as ‘ agnosias ’ .
25 Now animals share much of this pre-linguistic heritage with us , in varying degrees depending upon whether we are speaking of gibbons or goldfish , but ( pace Washoe ) stop short of speaking and the consequent metamorphosis of the prototypes that goes with it .
26 Everyone wants to avoid ill-health and the limitations that go with it but , like all good machines , the body needs to be lovingly tuned and oiled .
27 Nevertheless she has conquered the tough , ruthless climb to becoming a star actor and all the insecurities that go with it .
28 The implication here for policy-makers who would wish to promote movement away from transmission patterns of teaching is that there is a need to ease and improve those conditions that currently incline teachers towards survival more than mere coping , and towards the control-centred transmission-style pedagogies that follow from it .
29 Either there is ownership and the rights and obligations that go with it , or there is not and neither are there nor can there be those rights and obligations .
30 But retirement and the retirement pension , while certainly providing subsistence incomes to prevent destitution , have created and perpetuated universal enforced unemployment among older people and the lowered incomes that go with it .
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