Example sentences of "[noun pl] he [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 With swift steps he crossed to the glazed door and saw her crouched before a flowerbed , apparently engrossed in the task of tugging weeds from between the flowering rose bushes .
2 With heartfelt thanks he ran to the stable and , before his parents had gone more than a few yards , he had galloped past them towards his home .
3 He admitted the murder in the few words he spoke to the people .
4 In both designs he brought to the Restoration house an unexpected elegance of arrangement , combining corner suites in the French manner , comprising bedchamber and closets , the suites linked with each other by corridors , with grand , formal staircases , to achieve a synthesis premonitory of the great houses of the eighteenth century .
5 At the scene of the attack police found a plastic bag holding the pint of milk and four sausages he had bought for his tea — and some of the breadcrumbs he scattered to the birds each day .
6 From the bottom of the list of nominees he climbed to the top .
7 Gooch produces evidence that our own society , which he claims is derived from that of the Cro-Magnons , still shows traces of the social mores he ascribes to the Neanderthals .
8 As the two women were saying their goodbyes he came to the end of his task , switched off the motor-mower and headed with it towards the narrow gate at the side of the house .
9 When the prophet Ezekiel was in the valley of bones he prophesied to the bones and made them join up together .
10 He managed to do other things too ; on Saturdays he went to the gym to lift weights .
11 The unrivalled versatility of ‘ The Brig ’ was shown by the contributions he made to the solution of a number of machine ciphers during World War II .
12 The evidence given above indicates that Martin could well have accomplished this , particularly in the context of the significant advances he brought to the design of the musette , which demonstrate his innovative abilities as a maker .
13 When Zen judged that he had enough for his purposes he pointed to the Fiats .
14 During the next twelve years he rose to the position of general manager , in charge of finance and personnel , and during this time established a reputation in the business community for ability and honest dealing .
15 In later years he rose to the position of shipping manager and had about four small steamers and a score of sailing barges to supervise .
16 Chief Superintendent McLean says that last summer the resources he allocated to the protection of the Ks were greater than those given to anything , other than really serious crimes such as murder , in the two years he had been in charge of Hounslow division .
17 Like other writers he points to the way in which political direction colours practice , and recognizes too that there may be conflicts within research itself , as there are amongst practitioners .
18 Will he tell the House a little more about what representations he made to the Government of India on those important matters ?
19 First to the lens was BRETT ANDERSON , and with his unfeasibly long arms he took to the shape perfectly .
20 Among those I met were the Duke of Wellington , who has his London home in part of beautiful Apsley House , which with all its treasures he presented to the nation some years ago ; Vicomte and Vicomtesse Bernard de la Giraudière , and Mr Richard Nicholson the Vice Chairman of Laurent-Perrier UK , and his charming wife ; Mr Malcolm Innes , Mrs Piffa Schroder , Mr John Grant of Rothiemurchus , the Hon.
21 and he 's still got something to do with the union , so what he did , when he goes to these meetings he said to the , ah you bloke at Nissan how about getting us round
22 More easily comprehensible is the enormous success Wilcox enjoyed in the following year with Rookery Nook ( 1930 ) , the first of the Ben Travers farces he brought to the screen .
23 After writing for The Observer and The Times he returned to The Guardian as cricket and , subsequently , wine correspondent in the late 1960s .
24 He hesitated for a moment as to what to do ; then looking again at the woman at the table , who was now smiling at him , he sat down in the chair , and for the next ten minutes he listened to the banter between the two of them .
25 On Sundays he went to the home of Baron van Swieten , an enthusiastic patron of the arts , whose passionate interest in the then neglected music of Bach and Handel stimulated Mozart to collect and study the fugues and other contrapuntal music of J S Bach — an influence which can be detected in his own music of that period .
26 When questioned by police he confessed to the killing and said he 'd been drinking and taking amphetamines .
27 Through the winter of 1940–41 , Lieutenant Courtney trained his Special Boat Section attached to 8 Commando , and with a second-in-command and 15 men he went to the Middle East in February 1941 .
28 Pushing his way among the men he went to the bar , nodding a greeting here and there .
29 Tim sprang to public prominence when personal letters he wrote to the Princess were stolen from her briefcase and offered for sale to a tabloid newspaper , which promptly handed them over to Scotland Yard .
30 He continues to serve a 14-year sentence because of reports he sent to the British Broadcasting Corporation and for ‘ possession of anti-government literature ’ .
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