Example sentences of "[noun pl] i could think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I resisted the urge to retort with his curtness , ‘ Because he 's not sleepy ’ , and gave all the medical reasons I could think of .
2 Mouthed all the swear words I could think of — and that was quite a lot .
3 The celebrated cases make the point that in spite of its ill-deserved reputation , Glasgow is actually more peaceful than a lot of other places I could think of … unless , of course , you were an innocent wee serving lassie in 1862 .
4 There are a lot more questions I could think of , but could these be covered in your pages ?
5 He is not , he says , one who ‘ detracts from the existence or reality of things ’ ; and anyone who thinks otherwise ‘ is very far from understanding what hath been premised in the plainest terms I could think of ’ .
6 You know , some patients I could think of seem to have the idea that everything should be done for them in hospital
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