Example sentences of "[noun pl] it [vb -s] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While the comprador class may ( but not necessarily ) admit that its interests and those of the foreigners it serves are antagonistic to those of co-nationals , the transnational capitalist class conceives of its interests and the interests of the global capitalist system that it serves , as identical with those of national development .
2 In some districts it has been impossible to make it available to everyone .
3 A company 's competitive position no longer ( solely ) depends on its internal capabilities ; it also depends on the type of relationships it has been able to establish with other firms and the scope of those relationships .
4 When a person is seeking employment , council membership and the demands it imposes are unlikely to recommend him or her to prospective employers .
5 For the past nine months it has been involved in a nightly Royal Mail operation out of the airport .
6 For several months it has been obvious that the oil market is , as Joseph Stanislaw of Cambridge Energy Research Associates puts it , long on crude .
7 Without such models it has been difficult to determine what the properties of these cortical areas should be .
8 Watchdog lists FIVE of Lundgren 's movements it claims are dangerous .
9 Another strength of the initiative has been the sophisticated analyses it has been able to produce .
10 At some exceptional sites it has been necessary to reconstruct part of the site and the finds for display in order that they should be fully understood by visitors .
11 By analysing the evidence of many hoards it has been possible to establish the dating of the annual moneyers with a fair degree of accuracy , to within about five to ten years , although the process is by no means complete and new hoards continue to suggest revisions .
12 As has been pointed out , however , In recent years it has been impossible to tell where natural justice stops and fairness begins .
13 Over the past 2 years it has been subject to extensive repairs and its site to archaeological investigation .
14 In recent years it has been possible to study the mechanisms involved in the regulation postprandial gall bladder motility in detail because of the development of sensitive and specific radioimmunoassays for measurement of CCK and the availability of ultrasonography and cholescintigraphy as non-invasive methods to measure human gall bladder motility .
15 For 15 years it has been illegal in the U8A to produce a new car without a three-way catalytic converter .
16 Over the years it has been customary for the chairman to be re-elected for a second year .
17 And over the years it 's been possible to identify a number of factors produced by these bacteria that seem to make sense in terms of the pathology and the conditions .
18 It 's an essential feature of 3i that the positions it takes are long term .
19 The former exists throughout the process of perception ; the latter , however , has no existence before being conceived by the mind , and exists only as a conclusion which arises as a result of , after , the mental operation of inferring that the state of affairs it describes is true .
20 Yeah , since you rebooted these machines it 's been okay .
21 The British Museum acquired some of these pieces knowingly , as examples of modern fakes , and by examining the pieces in the scanning electron microscope ( see glossary ) using microanalysis and digital-mapping techniques it has been possible to plot the concentration of the cadmium over the soldered surfaces .
22 After a decade of severe staffing pressures it has been possible to achieve the objective of currency only by accepting reductions in the standard of the catalogue information provided to readers ( for example , the Library does not have the resources to supply subject information to reduced records acquired from the British Library ) , and by continuing not to assign much-needed additional staff resources for the essential work of the proper management of aspects of the Online Catalogue ( for example , authority control ) , in order to make consultation of the Catalogue easier for
23 It 's been known for some time that dioxins are created when chlorine is used to make paper white , but in many situations it 's been difficult to find substitutes .
24 Right , oh yes it 's got a , a lot of discrepancies , but the point is that the discrepancies it has are explicable in terms of what the discrepancies were trying to hide and correct and to that extent it 's a bit like psychoanalysing an individual patient .
25 The Commission 's substantive decisions and the level of fines it imposes are subject to review by the European Court of First Instance , which is given power to increase fines as well as to cancel or reduce them .
26 ‘ In some instances it has been sheer luck for members of the public with either guns jamming or security force patrols intercepting the terrorists . ’
27 Marketing thrives in an atmosphere where the future direction of the corporate entities it serves are chartable .
28 At other times it has been possible for an individual to bring foreign coins or bullion to the mint and receive it back as coinage ( minus a fee ) .
29 At times it has been acrimonious to an extreme and very public .
30 But at times it 's been hard to ignore that sinking feeling that what we 've been witnessing is another case of gradual rock'n'roll suicide , that what we 're about to experience is the possible self-destruction of not just one individual but a whole band .
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