Example sentences of "[noun pl] have a [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 These subjects had an examination for evaluation of occult blood , positive stools or for screening for colon cancer , or both .
2 The stories are brightly written , they deal with issues that really concern young adults , have convincing and positive heroines , and some of the authors have a gift for comedy .
3 But another demonstrator said the softly-softly tactics have a disadvantage for the regime .
4 GIVEN that the most decisive factor in the Lincoln Handicap has traditionally been the draw — made the previous day — it seems odd that trainers have a fetish for ‘ laying a horse out ’ for it months in advance .
5 In the US election , commentators are bemoaning the lack of international issues , but they are still markedly more present than here : President George Bush and Bill Clinton are arguing over how and when to help the former Soviet states , Clinton is proposing to allow Japan and Germany on to the Security Council of the UN , all candidates have a figure for American troop presence in Europe , ranging from Bush 's 150,000 to Jerry Brown 's 1,000 , with a European force of 1,000 stationed in the US .
6 As Oaxacan peasants needed some source of cash , the men started seasonal migration , which was disliked because the plantations had a reputation for malaria and poor living and working conditions in general .
7 The North American Indians had a name for trilobites that meant ‘ little water bug in the rocks ’ , which shows extraordinary zoological acuity .
8 The law , he said , ‘ should reinforce the principle that parents have a responsibility for the actions of their children . ’
9 The circumstances in which a break with the past and the need for a fresh start come about vary from country to country , but in almost every case in modern times countries have a Constitution for the very simple and elementary reason that they wanted , for some reason , to begin again and so they put down in writing the main outline , at least , of their proposed system of government .
10 The fact that the maintenance of the hunting bands depended on a traumatic event and its consequences meant that those bands had a reason for needing to repeat the trauma , or at least some effective representation of it , and thereby to perpetuate its consequences — the taboos forbidding incest and parricide .
11 These invaluable low-growing pink plants have a reputation for being tender , but as these are doing so well here in this cold part of the country , they must be among the hardier varieties .
12 Some machine-code assemblers or monitors have a facility for high-speed copying of memory data from one location to another .
13 But then , do the French , Spanish or Italians have a word for it ?
14 but individuals have a responsibility for crime as well , because the ownership of , of crime problems is not just the police , it 's down to the community in which that the people live .
15 To be able to take and make a role in an industrial or other commercial enterprise – requires that the individuals have a sense for themselves of their personal identities .
16 At certain ages individuals have a priority for educational facilities for children : later they will be more concerned with facilities for pensioners .
17 The statute referred to relatives having a claim for damages when a person died from injuries sustained because of a negligent act .
18 Do the Greeks have a word for it ?
19 These investors had a preference for securities rather than bank deposits .
20 As usual , the Greeks had a word for it
21 Writers have sometimes brought in the phrase ‘ The Greeks had a word for it . ’
22 The Greeks Had a Word For It was the title of a play by the American poet and playwright Zoe Akins , first produced in 1929 .
23 The reference was not sexual ; but in 1932 a film about three New York gold-diggers — forerunner of the Gold Diggers series and other movies — was called The Greeks Had a Word for Them .
24 Kitson locos had a reputation for good workmanship and innovative design .
25 Nurse managers have a responsibility for the settings in which patients are cared for which is far greater than the same responsibility of nurses at large , simply because they are employed in positions which enable them to make appropriate representations .
26 It should be noted , however , that at best the results can establish only that managers have a reason for pursuing one or other goal , and not that they actually do pursue it .
27 Given , then , that volcanoes have a predilection for the seaside , let's now pin down more precisely where they occur .
28 Marketing Boards have been an instrument favoured by most African governments as a means of ensuring that farmers have an outlet for their crops , and that urban consumers pay for basic foodstuffs at a controlled , often subsidized , price .
29 Most writers have a framework for the development of the society in question to which their chronology is related , whether stated or not .
30 He suggests that , since most Britons have a taste for the rope , politicians have a ‘ democratic ’ duty to reintroduce capital punishment .
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