Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [be] on the " in BNC.

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1 Lotus Notes has been on the market for some time , and is already being used by many of the world 's largest companies .
2 The traditional approach to the training and selection of headteachers has been on the basis of technical competence reinforced by practical experience .
3 With all eyes having been on the Government , Labour can get away with one conference like this one .
4 The average age of single deck vehicles was 10.3 years , while the county 's 88 more recently introduced mini-buses had been on the roads an average of 5.3 years .
5 It was then revealed that the two brothers had been on the brink of a merger with a hotel group , a highly respectable one with over fifty good solid hotels in the provinces .
6 In the whole region , perhaps 800,000 animals had been on the move , and about 20,000 were thought to have been killed by the hunters .
7 WHILE most British eyes have been on the election of a new Westminster parliament , a 500-member pensioner 's parliament from all 12 countries of the European Community has called for better pensions throughout the EC .
8 Much of the blame must be laid at the door of the disorganised America 's Cup Organising Committee , who for the past 10 months have been on the brink of bankruptcy .
9 Does the Minister recognise that the question of loan sharks has been on the agenda for the past 12 years , but that nothing positive has occurred other than the report to which he referred ?
10 Similarly , the emphasis in large-scale Japanese companies has been on the creation of organisation-oriented , bureaucratic policies ( emphasising job security , seniority-based promotion , incremental pay scales , etc . ) .
11 So there was evidence that the beggars had been on the bank that morning .
12 Worst hit areas have been on the Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire border and in the Forest of Dean .
13 The headhunters have been on the warpath again : Tucson , Arizona-based Artisoft Inc reports that William Baker submitted his resignations as chief financial officer , ‘ to pursue other opportunities ’ .
14 Many of the refugees have been on the move for several years .
15 The biggest single chunk of the firm 's spending over the past four years has been on the development of Windows NT , due to be launched on May 24th and aimed at the large and fast-growing market for the software that can link together sprawling networks of PCs .
16 One of the highest-ranking Mafia figures ever to testify for the authorities , Gravano claimed to having participated in 19 murders , and insisted that those committed during the last 10 years had been on the orders of Gotti .
17 The emphasis of many previous studies has been on the ‘ breakdown of democratic regimes ’ rather than their achievement and consolidation ; and they have tended to highlight economic constraints or global influences rather than national political choices and strategies .
18 The official definition of long-term unemployment is more than twelve months without work , although employment training , which is designed for the long term unemployed , requires entrants to have been on the register for more than six months .
19 On the other hand , though , it has to be said that some of the local urban excitements have been on the tame side recently : a swimming pool murder , an outbreak of cholesterol war between rival pizza outlets , the car that drove into the non-drive-in dry cleaners , and so on .
20 ‘ Hot metal ’ glue guns have been on the d-i-y market for some time .
21 There had been sporadic contact even before the 1850s treaties , and subsequent relations had been on the same unequal basis as those with the other powers .
22 The majority of suggestions have been on the lines that there should be a one- or two-year period in which it should be possible for the capital of discretionary trusts to be distributed tax free provided the settlement was made before 26th March 1974 and the result of the distribution was that there would be either absolute entitlement to the property or an interest in possessing it .
23 The FPR 's Radio Muhabura , on the other hand , carried the allegation on Sept. 6 that the Front 's positions had been attacked by government troops , and the FPR denied that its own forces had been on the offensive .
24 14 October , 1969 TONY BENN records in his diary : ‘ In the evening Caroline and I went to Number 10 for a dinner for the American astronauts , the first three men to have been on the moon .
25 A spokesman for the Villahermosa told The Art Newspaper that negotiations had been on the basis of a price of Pta35 billion ( £185 million ; $259 million ) for the whole collection , although the Baron and the Ministry of Culture last month mentioned a figure of Pta50 billion ( £300 million ; $420 million ) .
26 Since 1914 millions of Russians had been on the move — four to five million away from the advancing armies of the Central Powers ; at least twelve million fleeing into exile during and after the Revolution ; the largest land army in the world manoeuvring , dying , and deserting from the longest front-line in history — to give the major examples alone , with very approximate numbers .
27 Tory Derek Lamberth said closure plans had been on the agenda for two years .
28 He felt guilty now for not having paid more attention , but his thoughts had been on the groom .
29 And then Iris , by that non sequitur announcement of Carlos 's imminent arrival , showed that , far from listening to him , her thoughts had been on the voyage and what lay ahead .
30 Women had been on the paper since the beginning — with Maureen McGrath as news editor- and it had been women who had been providing the typesetting , the listings , the ad selling .
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