Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years a growing sophistication in tachistoscopic half-field investigations has derived from a conceptual and methodological framework known as information processing theory .
2 The House of Lords in two subsequent cases has retreated from the position it adopted in the original litigation , by making plain that the Government must prove some damage to the national interest and that no such damage can be established where the information has already been placed in the public domain by being published abroad .
3 As we can see , a wide variety of karate styles has developed from the art 's origins .
4 The trip begins at a Eucharistic Congress in Seoul intended to put the seal on the Catholic Church 's extraordinary progress in Korea , where the number of believers has grown from a post-war 200,000 to more than 2.5 million , and is increasing by 10 per cent each year .
5 According to Magnet Applications , the Berkhamsted-based Cookson subsidiary , the number of magnets used in cars has risen from a handful 20 years ago to about 80 now , rising to perhaps 200 in a couple of years ' time as automatic windows and sunroofs etc become more widespread .
6 Another early contributor was Ed Sanders , whose Fuck You — A Magazine of the Arts had begun from a ‘ secret location ’ in New York 's lower east side in 1962 .
7 Two candidates had withdrawn from the contest , leaving him as sole contender .
8 According to the conventional wisdom , successful presidential candidates had to come from the middle of the political spectrum .
9 The men wore short kilts of grey homespun , their hair was flowing or knotted at the back , most were bearded : the uplanders had arrived from the Glen of Keltney .
10 Before he could reach out and stab him as he planned , and then kill his companion too , and with support from his companions , seize the cannon himself , he heard a scream of pain behind him and realised that another of his fellow fighters had fallen from the ring fence on to the ground .
11 Solutions had ranged from the ingenious to the bizarre .
12 It was reported in late December that some 142,000 Jews had emigrated from the Soviet Union to Israel during 1991 , compared with the 400,000 expected by the government at the start of the year and the 185,000 who had emigrated in 1990 .
13 By now , a number of younger recruits had arrived from the savage and melancholy ice-world of Inwit .
14 I found it strange that those words had come from the Parliamentary Secretary because , when I read them , I thought that they had been written by the Labour candidate , John Metcalfe , because there was no other indication that that article had been written by a Minister of the Crown who is responsible for this country 's agriculture .
15 TWO Ashington schools have benefited from a green scheme run by students on a health studies course at Northumberland College .
16 In fact there was a , I think some of the recent erm concerns about schools have come from an image that 's been built up over a period of time that the schools spend very little time on the , on the three Rs for example .
17 At first the cuts are only occasional , but they become increasingly common until finally all signals have disappeared from the airwaves .
18 Signals have to come from the top , ’ explains , ‘ and chief executives and managing directors have to be hearts and minds behind it . ’
19 All the Smarties have gone from the plates which now have small pink morsels on .
20 PC Fishwick said it is likely the ties have come from a shop in the North-East or North Yorkshire .
21 Atmospheric methane concentrations have increased from a level of 0.8 ppm about 150 years ago to around 1.7 by 1990 ( Khalil and Rasmussen , 1987 ; UN IPCC , 1990a ) as cattle populations have risen , rice cultivation has expanded , fossil fuels have been extracted in growing amounts and forests burned .
22 Eldorado 's ratings have bounced from a low of 2.6 million to 8 million .
23 Since 1950 my influences have come from the Flemish Primitives , Frances de la Tour and Stanley Spencer .
24 Several SPCK authors have withdrawn from the Society 's lists in protest at the book 's cancellation .
25 The authors have benefitted from a flying start , but have only chosen to run part of the way round the track .
26 ‘ The whole principle behind this expenditure of public money is wrong … authors have benefited from the sale of their books to the public libraries .
27 Some of West Ham 's most violent supporters have come from the satellite estates of north London or new towns like Harlow or Thamesmead .
28 In recent years serious damage to the historic interiors of pubs has resulted from the creation of the open-plan which now seem to be pubs ' standard internal layout .
29 The literature of the castle , published by the 29th Laird of Dunvegan , John Macleod of Macleod , makes the business plain : ‘ Since the castle was first opened to the public more than forty years ago , the number of visitors has risen from a few hundred to tens of thousands ’ — many of them Macleod descendants from the New World .
30 Since this treatment was introduced , the number of fatal overdoses has fallen from a peak of 192 in 1978 , to 152 in 1980 , the last year for which figures are available .
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