Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And while childbearing by teenagers in the 15–19 age group does not appear to carry excessive health risks in the more advanced nations , in some of these countries , the risks to personal well-being can be considerable .
2 When the strains of Rula Britannia strike up , our very own Wigan-born wrestler — the only Brit in WWF 's superstar line-up — will step out in front of 83,000 frenzied fans in the most famous sporting arena in the world .
3 Similar problems have been studied by similar methods in the very different context of the law-courts .
4 petitioning on public interest , if not humanitarian , grounds and from a quasi-popular base had recent precedents in the later eighteenth century .
5 However , Dniestr and Gagauz districts in the fiercely separatist republics of Moldava , and the autonomous republic of Abkhazia and the autonomous region of South Ossetia in Georgia declared support for the SCSE , as did the Russian-speaking communities in the Baltic states .
6 Wealthy as a result of his diplomatic career , Sutton was one of the successful Whig candidates in the very expensive Nottinghamshire election in April 1722 , becoming a privy councillor .
7 The winner would be the surfer who was judged to have performed best overall on the day : to have ridden the biggest waves in the most critical positions .
8 Swallowing was indicated by characteristic pharyngeal pressure waves in the most proximal sidehole ( Figs 2 , 3 ) .
9 The result was evident not only in a growing emigration movement but also in the disproportionately high number of Jews in the most radical political parties .
10 an awareness of , and the determination to accomplish , programme goals in the most economical and efficient manner ;
11 Meanwhile , the existence of labour shortages in the most favoured parts of late 1980s Britain is evidence that opportunities remain , but lie beyond the grasp of the potentially available workforce .
12 Future work will concentrate on our strengths in the more specialised nuclear and petrochemical sector .
13 A fine south doorway has some strange looking beak heads in the richly moulded arch .
14 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many days were lost in industrial disputes in the most recent 12-month period for which figures are available .
15 STRIKERS and their supporters in the increasingly bitter Timex dispute clashed violently with police outside the firm 's factory gates in Dundee yesterday morning .
16 The Russian law on citizenship , adopted in November 1991 , extended that privilege not only to the population of the Russian Federation but also to those living in other republics who requested it , and the Russian defence minister , Pavel Grachev , made it clear that fellow nationals would be defended ‘ wherever they live ’ ; Vice-President Rutskoi called more directly for recognition of the Dnestr republic , and the Foreign Ministry intervened when it appeared that the civil rights of Russian speakers in the newly independent Baltic republics were being infringed .
17 Speakers in the more prestigious outer-city areas show in their realizations of ( Ε ) and ( o ) a distributional pattern relative to lower-status speakers similar to that shown for ( a ) in table 6.3 .
18 They said that car owners have an inherent right to repair their cars in the most economical way possible and , for that purpose , are to have access to a free market in spare parts .
19 The expansion of educational opportunities in the less industrialised republics , again , led to the emergence of a substantial native intelligentsia who saw little reason for responsible positions in their locality to be filled by outsiders .
20 His own farming seems not to have been profitable , however , perhaps because of his other activities ; he and his heirs sold off over 500 acres in the later seventeenth century .
21 This definition was used by Cohen to explain the response to youth in the 1950s and 1960s but it can be similarly applied to moral crises in the more distant past — one may refer by way of example , to the nexus of fears generated by the French Revolution , which significantly shaped the contours of ‘ Victorian ’ sexuality , or the anxieties which produced the legislative restructuring of the 1880s and 1900s , or the fears generated by the cold war in the 1950s .
22 The way to master such mismatches is to construct simple context drills , i.e. drills which use each of the problem words in the culturally correct context .
23 There have been substantial population losses in the more industrialized and urbanized regions , including the South East , North and North West , while the largest gains have been in the South West , East Anglia and the East Midlands .
24 Moreover , tensions exist between the rural population and the town-dwellers who buy second homes in the more accessible areas of countryside .
25 It gets its name from the strengthening threads which run across warp and weft to create small squares in the otherwise close-woven nylon .
26 On the night of July 16 in Lima 20 people died and 250 were injured when a huge car bomb exploded in a street of shops and restaurants in the mainly residential Miraflores area .
27 To have used the booklet is associated with more positive attitudes towards its general utility ; teachers who recall it well hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility and flexibility and effectiveness than those who have not ; as might be expected , teachers who associate changes in school with the use of the booklet hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility than those who do not ; teachers in schools in the less prosperous northern part of the borough are less negative with respect to its efficiency .
28 The number of swallows in the 10 minutes during and after acid infusion , calculated from the number of detectable oesophageal contractions in the most cranial recording channel , did not differ significantly in group I ( 20 ( 3 ) ; 20 ( 4 ) ) or group II ( 18 ( 5 ) ; 18 ( 6 ) ) .
29 She treated coldly all attempts to dab the scent on her own sleeve , rejected any suggestion that it could suitably be tried out on Owen and Mahmoud , and insisted that it be tested on a woman , an assistant , perhaps , or , preferably , the shopkeeper 's wife , a suggestion which , with its hint of superiority , would have had shopkeepers in the more Westernized parts of the city grovelling but was treated simply commercially in the bazaar .
30 Aid donors had recently taken a tough stance in particular with the Sudanese government for preventing relief aircraft from reaching areas in the largely Christian south , where the civil war against the Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) was at its height ; the Sudanese had claimed that such relief was being used to aid the rebels .
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