Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [noun prp] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Plastics Waste Management Institute ( PWMI ) of the Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe recently set out to discover how much plastic is consumer in Europe and where it ends up .
2 ‘ Those people in warm offices in Brussels just do n't understand what the climate is like here .
3 Ex-Moroccan Jews in Israel often visit their former homeland , picking up their visas in France .
4 As a result journalists in Nigeria either depend on press releases , speeches , statements and hand-outs or go on hearsay , rumour and stories fed to them by politicians .
5 The latest intensive phase of a campaign by the combined opposition parties in Bangladesh finally succeeded in forcing the resignation of the President , Lt.-Gen. ( retd ) Hussain Mohammad Ershad , in early December .
6 If you would like to receive further information on festivals and other Tourism attractions in Humberside simply complete , and post the coupon below .
7 As well as miscalculating Franco 's personal ambitions in 1943 , the exiled Pretender and his supporters in Spain also misjudged the international situation and its implications for Spain .
8 ANL supporters in Cleveland recently travelled to Paris to join an anti-racist demonstration , carrying letters of support from Middlesbrough council leader Mike Carr , Cleveland and North Yorkshire MEP David Bowe and Mehdi Husaini , chairman of Cleveland Racial Equality Council .
9 The two main city obstetric units in Leicestershire possibly care for women with differing risk profiles , so that the excess risks in one population are offset by different excess risks in the other .
10 Small clothing shops in Lima frequently operate in this way .
11 But before that stage was reached , the far-reaching social and economic changes brought about by the post-emancipation process of modernization , industrialization and the growth of capitalist relationships in Russia also found their idiosyncratic expression in Siberia , newly enlarged by the territory of the Amur and Ussuri regions which were incorporated into the empire at China 's expense by the visionary efforts of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia , N.N. Muravev-Amurskii ( treaties of Aigun , 1858 , and Pekin , 1860 ) .
12 Pedal pushers in Darlington often go unnoticed by a magnetic loop system at a pedestrian crossing on Parkgate .
13 The citizens charter reform means that the Government are making a determined effort to move away from the era when the gentlemen in Whitehall always knew best towards a more open , accountable public service , striving to do better .
14 THE McDonald 's fast-food restaurants in Singapore now have a certificate to use halal meat , allowing Muslims to dig into their first Big Mac
15 Several schools in Britain already teach the Baccalaureat syllabus .
16 The main wintering concentrations in Sussex recently have been in the Pagham/Selsey area , with up to 60 regularly ; Seaford Bay , with up to 30 regularly ; and Rye Bay , with up to seventy .
17 Interestingly , ICL is also one of about a dozen alpha sites for Cypress ' HyperSparc — there are two unnamed companies in Germany also playing with the thing — indeed it reportedly found seven bugs in the chip-set for Cypress .
18 ‘ Japanese companies in Europe today want to use European suppliers providing they can be sure the quality and service matches what they are used to in Japan , ’ said .
19 TOP referees and linesmen in England yesterday launched a campaign to repair their shattered morale .
20 The Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh also has had a long involvement with the cultivation and development of plants with medicinal properties and we have our own Scottish traditions of herbal cures for a long list of ailments .
21 Winters in California perhaps thought himself securely distant from the seat of the infection ; he never visited Europe , still less was he tempted to expatriate himself .
22 The Indians in America soon took to travelling on the trains .
23 Engineers in Germany successfully fired thrusters on Aug. 7 to boost the European Space Agency ( ESA ) US$400,000,000 Eureka research satellite to an altitude of 507 km from a dangerously low orbit of 100km where it had been stuck due to data communication problems .
24 But whereas General Franco 's rapid and decisive action resolved at a stroke the problem of order and the underlying political question , the use of force to suppress anarchists and revolutionary communists in Barcelona only exacerbated the Republic 's political difficulties and thereby seriously undermined its capacity to offer united resistance to its attackers .
25 For two and a half years they watched their comrades in Spain slowly strangled , and never aided them by even a single strike .
26 Apart from the ‘ Hands off Russia ’ campaign of 1920 he feels that the British working class had never thought or acted internationally and , ‘ For two and a half years they watched their comrades in Spain slowly strangled , and never aided even with a single strike . ’
27 It began to break down in the post-war years and during that period , too , the concentration of control functions in London also began to increase .
28 Other Chilean exiles in France still find it hard to accept him .
29 THREE historic sites in Colchester now run by English Heritage may be taken over by the borough council .
30 A number of speakers have suggested that er there are vast areas of brown field sites in Leeds just waiting to have houses plonked on them .
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