Example sentences of "[noun pl] and we [vb base] that " in BNC.

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1 … There appears to be considerable uncertainty about its effects and in particular , about the approach to formula funding adopted by the Government which is thought to threaten job security in schools with high staff costs … the present uncertainties are hardly helping morale in the schools and we hope that the Government at national level and LEAs and headteachers at local .
2 There is no need for further tableaux and we see that P1/T2 is optimal for θ up to ⅕ , P1/T3 between ⅕ and 3 and P1/T4 for larger values of θ .
3 Alan Calladine said : ‘ We are confident that this shop will be a success with its appealing range of gifts , toys and souvenirs and we hope that the people of Ripley and those shopping in Ripley will find it more convenient to make their bookings for the centre 's special services than Butterley Station . ’
4 These findings could help to explain the higher incidence of gastric cancer among coal miners and we suggest that this would be a suitable group to screen for premalignant gastric pathology using an upper gastrointestinal symptom questionnaire .
5 What I , what I 'd like to do now is , is just to go through er your existing arrangements that you have with er life assurance policies and we know that er you 've got some existing cover as far as er your mortgage is concerned , erm has erm has Mrs Goodwin got any er life cover ?
6 You raised a very , very significant issue that I have n't heard much addressed in recent days and we know that there has n't really been a super power of the Soviet Union and any other military sense for the last couple of years .
7 Hopefully as we improve our business , we may indeed see TV advertising in future years and we hope that we will become as well known as IBM , 3M or ICI . ’
8 Does the Minister accept that although some of us may have a disagreement with Bruce Millan , we have known him for many years and we know that he has always been , and is , punctilious in the exercise of his duties ?
9 Alex has horrific memories and we know that many of them are still locked inside .
10 Anyway , when he , when he came back again we had to come back cos see we had another delivery of gravel and we ordered three yards and we reckon that on the last journey we bought two yards , we 've got over a yard too much gravel !
11 ‘ We 've done some sums and we reckon that if you use the phone for more than one and half minutes per day it will be more expensive , ’ says a west London cellphone dealer .
12 This result agrees with that obtained in the transfections and we conclude that the upstream region plays a negative regulatory role .
13 The Irish Bank Officials ’ Association , over the years , has made a tremendous contribution to the welfare of its members and we know that in recent times IBOA has been engaged in many struggles to protect those terms and conditions .
14 These is a degree of confusion about this complex and rapidly changing area and the scope of these two quite distinct developments and we hope that the information provided will contribute towards clarification .
15 Joe can not be a ‘ gentleman ’ because the word has social connections and we know that Joe will never be a gentleman of the social kind .
16 Erm first , first of all erm Sue has , has just er reminded me that the , the government is , is considering the matter of planning application fees and we understand that there could be some proposals which erm modify the way in which er those fees are set and may give a greater erm autonomy to local authorities to set their own level of fees , in order to allow them to erm recoup erm more of or perhaps even all of the costs of operating the service , but that is something that 's er definitely for the future er and er is , is not entirely .
17 We consider that punitive policies such as cutting benefit payments or not providing adequate housing for lone parents or their children , would immediately damage the health and well being of children and we consider that that in itself is contrary to the U N convention on the rights of the child .
18 The maximum amount of sediment likely to be deposited over that period along the coast generally is about 30 centimetres and we know that hurricanes will certainly rearrange that amount of material .
19 Anthony Ray has recently reached the same conclusion on art-historical grounds and we know that Seville was an important centre for the manufacture and export of tin-glazed pottery .
20 The reality is , it is most unlikely that such a merger would be allowed on competition grounds and we believe that a referral to the authorities would be likely to attract great uncertainty to our customers and staff . ’
21 Of these the most conservative was Porta , who as late as 1578 could publish an old-fashioned cantus firmus Mass on the Josquin subject ‘ La sol fa re mi ’ and who corresponded with Carlo Borromeo ; on the other hand , his Magnificat for the Franciscan Chapter at Bologna was in 24 parts and we know that he frequently employed trombones , cornetts , violins , and portative organs as well as the large ones at San Antonio , Padua , where he spent the last six years of his life .
22 We recognise the value of the experience , skill and other qualities that older workers bring to their jobs and we hope that employers will keep their employment practices under review . ’
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