Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb base] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to Julia to be the height of good manners to have greeted a stranger with apparent pleasure under such circumstances and then to have included her in the family teasing , but she wanted to make certain that they could forget their manners and talk freely to each other without having to bother about her .
2 You testify before the Commission tomorrow and I take the kids and go home to Mother in Milwaukee ! ’
3 His plastic sandals are swept out onto the waves and float jauntily on the surface of the pool .
4 It was only the sun , flashing briefly on her bleached hair , that made him shade his eyes and look again in that direction .
5 SCORPIOS may not like to appear outwardly ambitious but you set yourself specific goals and work relentlessly towards them regardless of the opposition .
6 At any rate , the males leave their parties and come together in a posse .
7 As Chairman , I chair the Executive Committee Meetings , attend sub-committee meetings and working parties and work closely with all those involved in the Development Steering Group , who liaise with the Sports Council .
8 I wished I could have screens put round my bed like the really sick people had , so that instead of giving me sidelong glances of pity because I had no visitors , people would drop their voices and whisper sepulchrally to interested outsiders , " Poor little thing — she 's dying , you know . "
9 Only occupants of the deep oceans or the darkest recesses of caves will escape such rhythmic influences and live instead in a world where the passage of daily time has no obvious consequence and where tides have no effect .
10 His hands jerked her to him again as a group of jugglers pushed past , their clubs digging into her back so that she was forced to catch Lucenzo 's shoulders and lean hard against him , totally at his mercy .
11 What it 's like : soft , padded , adjustable seat and padded neck support , with straps that go round mum 's waist and over shoulders and fit together with clunk-click fitting .
12 That the people of Sheila na gigh could rise from the ashes of their homes and join together in a celebration , a unity in the face of such adversity , made him proud to be a Celt .
13 Open and clean the oysters and place immediately in the fridge to chill .
14 Some decline to accept private clients and act only for employers .
15 ‘ Our mission at Dillons is to widen the market for books and break away from the elitism that has dominated the book trade and held back sales . ’
16 We all used to bite our lips and nod wisely at these theological conundrums , holding our breath until he 'd gone back upstairs before dissolving into laughter .
17 These are termed high amplitude propagated contractions , or giant migrating contractions and differ greatly from the segmenting pressure activity that normally predominates .
18 In Russia , Poland and other east European countries , women still bake spice cakes and take then to church for blessing at Easter .
19 The recent history of our struggles has shown how people can shrink the world to the size of their communities and act politically on that basis , expressing their dissent in the symbolism of disorderly protest while demanding control over their immediate conditions .
20 Guests at the Pineta share the landscaped gardens and benefit equally from the excellent service and comforts enjoyed by those staying in the main building .
21 Score along these lines and bend inwards for tabs .
22 You should run the stand alone module header scanner on the module , determine the errors and amend appropriately before attempting to enter the module into LIFESPAN .
23 This will probably be to see if you can think on your feet and react well under stress .
24 Other young people vote with their feet and leave early by failing to turn up during their last year , and sometimes their last two years at school .
25 Put cleaners and bleach together in a cupboard with a child safety catch .
26 Another reason for adopting this approach is that infants born to mothers who have no perinatal risk factors suffer from less severe infections and respond better to treatment .
27 is free to carry out his Parliamentary duties and speak freely without fear of any legal repercussions , an M.P .
28 Although the various social sciences take different interests in such matters and differ also on how such an understanding of them can be achieved , they do at least share this common source of data ; that is , what the members of society have produced , and are producing , in the way of artifacts , social groups , institutions , documents of various kinds , systems of conflict and co-operation , records , and so on .
29 This respondent was also concerned about the failure of social workers to work for rehabilitation , stating , ‘ There are lots of social workers who think it quite appropriate to take a child away from dodgy natural parents and work avidly towards replacing it with adoptive ones . ’
30 The crew , moving rapidly yet almost soundlessly , carried out the few jobs required to convert the land vehicle to a boat , and within seconds the rigs slid rapidly into the dark water and powered away to swing out their ramps and couple together in twos and threes .
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