Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Bush rejected the campaign finance bill , the first such measure to have been approved by Congress in more than a decade of partisan dispute over the issue , on the grounds that it offered public subsidies to House and Senate candidates and because it did not eliminate donations from political action committees ( PACs ) .
2 Persistent hypertension was treated by standard methods and if it did not resolve then the dose of the study drug was reduced .
3 Sources close to the investigation suggest it has been dormant for some months and that it produced no conclusions one way or the other .
4 The series originated from various communities and when it reached the west coast I had to provide the script for a new show every seven days for ten weeks .
5 But we were told recently by a delegation from the french Senate , studying British methods of scrutiny of Community legislation , that they had great difficulty in obtaining copies of Commission legislative proposals and that it had been necessary for them to establish an office in Brussels to ensure a reliable supply .
6 Katherine sat back in the train 's cushioned seats and as it pulled away from the platform , she breathed a sigh of relief The first part of her plan had been safely accomplished .
7 Contemporary accounts say that it could reach quite high speeds on the rails and that it saved fuel .
8 He loved it because of the colours and because it needed his nimble fingers .
9 Council put the central heating in when we got advanced in years and when it became necessary in the doctor 's opinion for me to have central heating because I had a heart complaint .
10 A police officer said he suspected an enormous volume of explosives was stockpiled inside one of the buildings and that it exploded due to careless handling .
11 One police officer said he suspected a vast amount of explosive was stockpiled inside one of the buildings and that it exploded due to careless handling .
12 The f I often find that really the first year it was more fun and er then when they started on the plays and that it got more serious and
13 The nadir was reached when the Royal 600cc class went out with only 10 starters and although it developed into a tremendous race between Joey Dunlop and Ian King , there was n't the strength in depth which we have come to take for granted .
14 We were cramped in our hotel rooms and when it rained the water came in .
15 The vole had eaten seeds and nuts and because it sensed the long winter to come it had eaten a little of everything : acorns , hazels , haws , hips , sweet catkins , sour apples , sharp sloes , soft blackberries .
16 Each cell had its own stimulus requirements and when it became active this said something about the nature of the event or object in its own part of the visual field .
17 It was already clear to Coleman from his analysis of the drugs-related intelligence coming out of Lebanon that the traditional heroin route to the US via Cyprus , Frankfurt and London was used regularly by both agencies , that the traffic was not always in narcotics and that it moved both ways .
18 It was only some years later that Jacques learned of the Board 's initiatives and that it had failed because members of the county council had been deeply suspicious of the radicalism associated with liberal adult education in the industrial areas of the county .
19 Until comparatively recently there was a general belief or tacit agreement within the community that the later years of life were a time of " all passion spent " — that sex stopped or should stop with the menopause in women and that it continued into later years only in old men who were awarded the epithet " dirty " .
20 Nynex Corp 's Nynex CableComms unit has bought three of the eight UK cable television companies that Pacific Telesis Group Inc 's PacTel Cable UK Ltd put on the market last June ( CI No 1,943 ) : Nynex has taken the Greater Manchester , Bolton and Derby franchises and while it did not disclose terms , says it plans to invest £1,000m over the next five to six years to provide local telecommunications networks in its British franchise areas ; the companies it acquired are in franchise areas where it already operates .
21 Overall , it could by the end of the transitional phase claim that it had changed the basis of economic competition by removing many restrictive practices and that it had eased some of the pain of economic decline by its policies towards those aging coal and steel plants that were coming to the end of a useful life .
22 It dragged their small boat for several miles and as it struggled to get free it spat out a human torso , some pieces of wetsuit and a face mask .
23 Labour leaders in the USA claimed that NAFTA would destroy jobs and that it offered little concrete provision for retraining .
24 Although this is in principle one of the simplest configurations and although it played such an important role in the early history of transition studies , the details of the transition process turn out to be relatively complex and are , quite possibly , not all known .
25 We played whenever we got the chance in the evenings and if it did nothing else it kept us out of the bar .
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