Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A willingness to take risks and make mistakes in the process is , however , necessary .
2 Few medical procedures carry no risk of any kind , and it seems to me that it would be impossible for one body to assume responsibility for measuring risks and assessing treatments throughout the whole of medical practice .
3 She bustled round , putting on kettles and opening tins of biscuits and cake .
4 I 'd only really think about taking action if someone completely ripped off one of our songs and made heaps of money from it
5 Many of the rather frowsy old biddies who made their living by singing Gay Nineties songs and cadging drinks from the customers , recognized Ella , and several came to sit at our table to have their pictures taken by the resident camera man .
6 We sang protest songs and shouted slogans against the government and to demand the release of the BPR leaders and all political Prisoners .
7 A small amount of leather is left after cutting , and to my surprise this was also checked and the offcuts matched to the straps to produce the adjusting piece for two-piece leather straps , or the strap button fobs and end pieces on Klondyke 's range of webbing and stretch straps .
8 More recently , in his The Sons of Horus he has found ways of incorporating the profiled attitudes and poses seen in ancient Egyptian designs with straight turned-in legs , elongated lines and angled arms , all in contrast to the turnedout legs and curving bodies of classical dance .
9 Bookmakers Ladbrokes are catching up with the odds on races on four wheels instead of four legs and offering odds on Senna ( 11–8 ) and Prost ( 7–4 ) for the world championship during the week the cars were being loaded for the opening grand prix in Phoenix .
10 Otherwise , the fieldwork strategy in large-scale quantitative studies must be broadly the same as that of Labov : we need to go as far as possible in obtaining casual styles from informants and to develop ways of distinguishing styles on a continuum from ‘ careful ’ to ‘ casual ’ style .
11 However , most contemporary football hooliganism corresponds to the outlawry of time-out forms manifested in fights between opposing fans and creating mayhem during trips abroad .
12 A vegetable rinse disguised any grey hairs and gave shine to her new style .
13 Blake was then posted as an MI6 officer to the British Legation in Seoul , Korea where in 1950 he and other members of the legation staff were captured by the North Koreans and held prisoner until the spring of 1953 .
14 Most peoples of the world do not , in their conservative heart to hearts , like foreigners and display feelings of hostility ( often tinged with fear ) towards them .
15 Set up under the Bonn Convention on migratory species , the agreement obliges its members — Belgium , Denmark , Finland , Germany , Greece , Ireland , Luxembourg , the Netherlands , Norway , Sweden and the UK — to protect bats in the various ways that bats can be protected : finding out where they are and conserving their habitats , studying them , controlling pesticides and stopping people from killing them .
16 The authorities must see to it that there is a tried and tested method of reading the danger signals and offering counselling to those with access to firearms .
17 A number of the latter equipped 728B Squadron at RNAS Hal Far , Malta to provide pilot-less target drones for RN Firestreak armed fighters and Seaslug missiles on HM warships .
18 When the new Parish Priest arrives to take up his post he is very quickly introduced to the petty jealousies and gossip mongering of village life .
19 The starter kit will be followed by full communications to provide transparent access , storing and sharing of objects distributed in multiple databases and mixed networks of Unix , VMS and Windows NT that use the Network File System protocol ; it will be available in August at $3,000 .
20 The starter kit will be followed by full communications to provide transparent access , storing and sharing of objects distributed in multiple databases and mixed networks of Unix , VMS and Windows NT that use the Network File System protocol .
21 The former communist leaders in eastern Germany were enthusiastic deerhunters and allowed wolves to be hunted and shot in order to protect game reserves .
22 The use of a facilitator to lead analytical review sessions and to provide data on team behaviour .
23 The choices of those with power to direct organizations and initiate changes in structure are among the determinants of organizational designs ( Child 1973 ) .
24 They can place children in homes run by voluntary organizations and make contributions to their costs , and they have certain powers to inspect voluntary homes .
25 The special session announced the creation of working groups to overhaul mass organizations and to strengthen participation in the municipal and provincial people 's power system of government ; and it proposed the National Assembly of People 's Power be upgraded to play a more dynamic role in assessing government performance .
26 Authority The right to control finance , information , people , equipment , materials etc. in organizations and to have access to important decision-making processes .
27 Once again Edward had set precedents and opened opportunities for extensive royal exploitation subsequently .
28 The security apparatus , known as Stasi by the people who feared it , is on its last legs after 39 years of running agents , snooping on dissidents and harassing critics of the ruling Communist party .
29 Another young patriot , Andrew of Moray , however , assembled further dissidents and joined forces with Wallace after a mutually enthusiastic meeting at Perth .
30 In the words of others he springs into action as a political firebrand , marching into the coal-owners ' offices and demanding justice for their exploited work-force , only to be told that the coal seams were too meagre and the profit margin too small to provide improvements in safety standards .
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