Example sentences of "[noun pl] of they [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this case , a more precise purpose might be , " I want to find out the relative sizes of the most common dinosaurs so I can draw scale pictures of them on a wall chart . "
2 The article gives the possibility of legal action against individual sellers or suppliers , or groups of them from the same economic sector , or against their trade associations .
3 ‘ There 's loads of them at the Standard , ’ said Cooper , persuasively , so persuasively in fact , that we ended up at 7.00 am outside Holborn Tube with a banner declaring Flirting for London , handing leaflets to men and flowers to women , so he could get a good photograph for his story .
4 she said there are loads of them on the cycle path without lights on !
5 I tell you what , if you get one of the earlier mountain bikes there made of five three one tubing which is lighter than what you 've got , there 's loads of them in the paper for sale and there so cheap
6 The little holes are openings to the sensory pores and if you look you will see two lines of them on the sides , the lateral lines .
7 The descriptions of them in the books we read are for the most part as unlike the truth as are the descriptions of aristocratic life in the books they read .
8 We have encoded and used versions of them from the past we study .
9 Dedicated enthusiasts will be able to make themselves familiar with the brighter galaxies , and use binoculars to make regular surveys of them in the hope of catching sight of a supernova .
10 Simply serve them in tiny bowls or hors-d'oeuvre dishes , or pile up little mounds of them beside the sliced lamb and beef .
11 There have been before the present application which was approved , there have been applications refused because the Oxford City Planning Committee were concerned particularly about er access and parking arrangements , and the effects of the extensions er on the front of the building , er very close to Sandy Lane , by the impact of those buildings in particular on residential amenity , on the houses and the occupants of them on the other side of Sandy Lane .
12 Being certainly lost an opportunity by not being it 's only body there is an editing element in the book publishing section from the P G B and there are elements relating to us in the S P G of the Periodical Training Council and there will be bits of them in the public relations in the marketing one of which I 've got a copy of the draft , but you know there is nothing all embracing B T E C do graphics and journalism but there is no single forum , I mean that 's what so astonishing and interestingly somebody at B T E C told me the other day there 's been a bit of a problem about the the book editing part of the editing level three element um , and that 's partly political as to editing versus production because production 's level four and editing is level three , and that has made some problems apparently
13 Perhaps it could also be blamed on having flicked past hundreds of dull photos of them in The Scots Magazine over the years , showing old men with their shirt sleeves rolled up , pointing at some rolling , lumpy , big hills with the caption reading , ‘ The mighty Cairngorms are a sight for sore eyes in any rambler 's book ’ .
14 There seemed to be scores of them in the town .
15 Eventually they are turned to stone , but they retain not only the outward shape that they had in life , albeit sometimes distorted , but on occasion even their detailed cellular structure is preserved so that you can look at sections of them through the microscope and plot the shape of the blood vessels and the nerves that once surrounded them .
16 People were just leaving boxes of them on the in the car park .
17 they 're French ones as well , so actually er , I 've got two boxes of them in the boot , in the boot of the car
18 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
19 There were piles of them in the smithy anyway .
20 But there are the illuminations , miles of them along the seafront , which people really do come to admire , driving slowly and reverently down the tatty Golden Mile .
21 If it 's jewellery it 's harder , it will show up , erm if you 're marking things like engagements rings , then the best thing to do is actually take photographs of them with a ruler or some sort of erm comparison of the size of the item cos if you do like a a ring on a photograph it 's gon na , it 's gon na come out like a , so if you got a ruler to say , you know , it 's only sort of one and a half inches in width or whatever , then we can actually get a clear picture of , of that .
22 I can show you photographs of them in the Loch here .
23 There were platoons of them on a sort of scrounging patrol , begging food from gardeners or shoppers .
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