Example sentences of "[noun pl] of time [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The court heard that Mr Prescott , 28 , and his teammates Bernard Bryan , Colin Osbourne Wright and Jacqueline Watson used the drugs only for short periods of time for training in the run-up to a major event .
2 The court heard that Mr Prescott , 28 , and his teammates Bernard Bryan , Colin Osbourne Wright and Jaqueline Watson used the drugs only for short periods of time for training in the run-up to a major event , as is common .
3 An even lower profile is provided by teachers who may not set foot in the classroom at all but who may spend considerable periods of time in discussion with colleagues on ways in which the curriculum can be made more accessible to all children in the class , including the least able .
4 Government is becoming increasingly task or product orientated , rather than directed towards carrying out functions over long periods of time in line with established routines .
5 Many people with AIDS have to spend long periods of time in hospital unless there is someone at home who can help and look after them .
6 Without ACET 's practical support at home they could spend long periods of time in hospital unnecessarily .
7 But , in an uncanny moment of premonition , I am able to see through the mists of time to Judgement Day .
8 From that year onwards , he became progressively more absent from the conduct of daily political affairs , relying as much on the inertia of the system he had created as on his ministers to keep the country running , while he devoted increasing amounts of time to hunting , shooting and fishing .
9 Compare : Encouraged by the success of her early publications , Charlotte Brontë gave over increased amounts of time to writing .
10 A lot of them have been helped in their careers by stints of time at Channel 4 .
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