Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are others , however , where even after centuries of use this matching is not obviously satisfactory , for example violin playing would seem to be posturally a disaster , but there may be some subtle aids to very precise control of the sound generated in having the source of sound very close to the ear and perhaps some vibration transmission by the direct contact of this instrument and the jawbone .
2 A Cold Brayfield husbandman , William Bateman , who was assessed at 10s. , left his wife ‘ half my crop of 5 acres of corn this year [ 1526 ] growing on the ground ’ .
3 Over 3700 acres of land each year are left available for other uses following excavation work by industry .
4 His interest in Roman remains was minimal , and in any case his ears ( incipient otosclerosis , his personal physician had diagnosed ) seemed to be filling up with thicker and thicker wads of cotton-wool each day .
5 Southern Italy experiences four or more months of drought each year .
6 By about eight months of age most infants are capable of retrieving completely hidden objects ; but between eight and twelve months they show another intriguing pattern of errors .
7 Here on the horizons of thought such ideas as Kant 's noumena come to life .
8 In addition to Acts of Parliament both Houses have to deal with a great deal of what is known as ‘ subordinate ’ or ‘ delegated ’ legislation .
9 It was the only way she could express it , remembering Justinette 's assertions of how she had experienced altered states of consciousness this way .
10 The Working Party included in its proposals for programmes of study those aspects of media education and IT which contribute most directly to the central aim of English : to widen the range of children 's understanding and use of language , and to develop their skills in it .
11 The EPA itself admits that pollution of drinking water is one of the four greatest environmental risks facing the population , causing at least 1,000 new cases of cancer each year and impairing the mental development of 240,000 children .
12 It has been estimated that there are 24 000 cases of gonorrhoea each day in South America , that is just under half the total yearly figures for England .
13 I make a habit of sending a certain number of cases of wine each year to individuals at any level of the company who have done something which I have come across which seems to be particularly meritorious .
14 One is that Mr Lawson has not yet succeeded in getting a handle on domestic demand , and the signs of success this summer were misleading .
15 We spend loads of time each day tapping keys .
16 There is evidence that at times of stress many patients do not absorb verbal information and that a better quality of informed consent can be obtained by combining oral and written information as we did .
17 Moreover , the effects of industrial action on members ' attendance exacerbated the situation , and it is arguable that in times of adversity such bodies need stronger leadership and clearer terms of reference than this panel ever enjoyed .
18 They can now offer some material aid , including at times of emergency some cash assistance .
19 It averages 3,000 hours of sunshine each year ; in fact more than the Costa Brava , Mallorca and the French Riviera .
20 Mr. Keech aims to be in the community house each weekday morning but , during the rest of his 20 hours of employment each week , he will be out and about on the estate .
21 On average , American children watch over three hours of television each day .
22 The variation in day length decreases with distance from the poles and vanishes at the Equator , which receives 12 hours of light each day throughout the year .
23 The effect on those who are employed in the areas of work that Employment Action will concentrate on will be to increase unemployment and force down wages .
24 The difficulty seems to arise within the membership in knowing exactly what areas of responsibility each section has , what are the rules of debate for sectional conferences , are decisions taken at sectional conferences binding on the union rulebook relating to that section and within all of this sectionalization , what role does the Apex conference now play , as those members , like myself , are presumably within one of the other sections too .
25 I am hoping that you will observe that I have fetched in enough buckets of coal this afternoon to spare you having to carry them in tomorrow .
26 BRITONS are drinking a million fewer bottles of Scotch each month compared with a year ago .
27 While the Luxor temples escaped with only cracks and fractures in some of the columns , two blocks of stone each weighing ten tons fell from the roof of the hypostyle of the temple at Kom Ombo 140 km. down the Nile .
28 Gedge remembers long periods of silence each time Charman visited and begged to rejoin the group .
29 The first , and rather obvious , point of criticism is that by concentrating on capital-labour relations and movements of capital these authors have largely neglected other kinds of relations ( such as those of gender and race ) which have dynamics which are relatively separate from those of class but which nevertheless combine with those of class in highly complex ways .
30 As criterion referencing is concerned with descriptions of performance this exercise may give an indication about how some criteria might be expressed .
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