Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Collecting the trowel , she bent down and began stabbing it into the bigger clumps of earth to break them up .
2 Spinoza holds that the more we understand why we have these impulses , as also why certain sorts of thought overwhelm us with depression , the more we will get on top of them .
3 And this song , number five in the front section of the Songs of Fellowship reminds us that there on the cross as Jesus dies for his dad , great demonstration of his love for us !
4 The method has centuries of use to commend it , though scientific trials have found no evidence it works .
5 My screams of terror awoke my parents and brought them rushing in panic to my room .
6 Fans of volleyball reckon its the fastest … hardest court game of all … this week two of the world 's top teams Latvia and Lithuania have come to town to take on the might of England and the pick of the nation 's universities … on tuesday … wednesday … and thursday they 'll be battling it out in the gym at Iffley Road in Oxford and then on Friday they they head for the finals at the american airbase at Upper Heyford
7 CUCGA intends within five years to have ( i ) established relations with the media , Government Departments , Members of both Houses of Parliament and other bodies with an interest in higher education ; ( ii ) established itself as a campaigning body on behalf of graduate organisations ; ( iii ) opened its membership to encompass all university convocations and analogous bodies in the UK ; ( iv ) established methods of funding to allow it to support its expanded role ; ( v ) developed a comprehensive portfolio of policy issues upon which it can actively and publicly campaign at appropriate times .
8 Galbraith ( 1983 ) outlines the aims and methods of contact tracing which has been used in recent years in the UK in relation to sexually transmitted disease and tuberculosis , and during limited outbreaks of typhoid fever , diphtheria and Lassa fever ; and Brookbanks & Hampstead ( 1987 ) describe contact tracing related to hepatitis B.
9 In addition to the above methods of Review/ Recall it will be found both enjoyable and informative if you cultivate the habit of discussing reading with friends and teachers .
10 At the beginning of the war the Security Service categorized the NL as a seditious body whose speakers did not hesitate to advocate methods of violence to achieve their ends , many referring to a coming revolution .
11 Novel methods of analysis made it possible to do chemical separations in minutes instead of days or weeks .
12 Waves of smell hit you as peasant women cycle past towing brown-encrusted oil drums filled with the precious produce of the city 's latrines .
13 ‘ At least I did n't wake you up , then , ’ she observed huskily , waves of warmth invading her body at Roman 's nearness .
14 Great waves of pain assailed her heart and she gasped and put a hand to her breast .
15 For her the slow , wide-winged beating across the waves of morning said it was time to run to the rocks and tug in the lines and get a move on .
16 We must not only abide by a precise form , but also build up the right waves of emotion to give it full human significance .
17 It was also a notably cohesive one , since ties of kinship linked its leading members with the queen 's family and with each other .
18 It was also a notably cohesive one , since ties of kinship linked its leading members with the queen 's family and with each other .
19 Successive Secretaries of State formulated their own versions of what the polytechnics should be , and in doing so established a substantial amount of ambiguity .
20 This was recognized by parliament in 1944 ( Dent , 1944 ) but was largely forgotten for two decades as subsequent Secretaries of State avoided its use ( Gordon and Lawton , 1978 , Davis 1980 ; Salter and Tapper , 1981 ; Raggatt and Weiner , 1985 ) .
21 Considerations of security prevented us from filming the machine which puts the layers into Vienetta … or the twirls into a tangle twister .
22 Alternatively , however , it may be that considerations of meaning take us beyond the scope of scientific method .
23 The heads of government pledged their support for the attempts of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) to find a solution to the crisis in Haiti [ see p. 38758 ] and condemned the attempted coup in Venezuela [ see pp. 38759-60 ] .
24 It remains to be seen what precise form of words are agreed by the 12 heads of government to express their commitment to the next stage of monetary union .
25 The summit may be an opportunity — I know that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister is encouraging other Heads of State to attend it — that will enable us to put over to the British population the need to recognise that there is a balance , an interdependence and a need for the transfer of resources .
26 The heads of state gave their support to the efforts made towards peace , reconciliation and reconstruction in El Salvador , Guatemala and Nicaragua , and supported the rapprochement between Guatemala and Belize in their territorial dispute [ see pp. 38432 ; 39184 ] , together with the decision reached by the International Court of Justice in the territorial dispute between Honduras and El Salvador [ see p. 39090 ] .
27 •At Lancaster House , where the heads of state held their historic talks , the catering was carried out by Essex-based Crown Catering Group .
28 The refusal of successive Conservative governments under Margaret Thatcher and John Major to engage in dialogue with the political supporters of paramilitarism makes it difficult to see how such an objective may be achieved .
29 ‘ My friends of the Liberal or progressive party , as they call themselves , ’ wrote Arnold , ‘ are kind enough to reassure us that a few transient outbreaks of rowdyism signify nothing . ’
30 Winston was picking a team of folk from all walks of life to see them as soon as they could .
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