Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [adj] of his " in BNC.

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1 It may just be that Clinton is taking advantage of the transition period until he takes over the Presidency to air some personal prejudices and satisfy the grievances of some of his supporters .
2 Mr Gergen will best serve his new boss if he reminds him of the strengths of one of his old ones .
3 A frenzied throng of waving people barred the attempts of Drew , on the shoulders of four of his largest supporters , to advance .
4 I look forward especially to a future opportunity to develop his views on the desirability of keeping national insurance contributions as low as possible and of working out exactly how that fits in with the policies of some of his right hon. and hon. Friends , but that is for another occasion , Madam Deputy Speaker .
5 Afterwards he gave me signed copies of two of his books , ‘ Write your name clearly on this piece of paper .
6 I I 've I 've been trying to see the 's about it and about getting copies of some of his poems so that people could see them you know .
7 On July 17 Wilson 's budget was approved by the Democratic majority in the legislature against the wishes of many of his local Republican colleagues .
8 Fails to inform either us or his church-wardens of any of his activities .
9 He drove past the parks and gardens where he had played as a child ; past the houses of some of his past mistresses ; past the apartment where Clara Delluc lived .
10 In April 1959 Castro , despite the misgivings of some of his close associates , visited the United States .
11 He brought to the Crown the lands of his own family and added the estates of some of his defeated enemies .
12 Proving that Yeltsin had lost little by the forced resignations of some of his closest ministers during recent months , it was announced on Dec. 29 that Mikhail Poltoranin , until late November Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Press and Information [ see p. 39202 ] , was to become the head of a new Federal Information Service , which would distribute information about government policy .
13 Letters pour into the correspondence columns from all over — some of them from people who sound several years older than himself , and some of them from the most exclusive neighbourhoods , well beyond the pockets of any of his friends .
14 He could have followed in the footsteps of some of his more notorious predecessors , by gambling , drinking and scandalizing society .
15 He was awarded three medals by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts , which published illustrated descriptions of several of his tools and inventions .
16 Although most parasites looked exactly the same , Jinkwa recognized it as the large female who had snapped the bones of several of his division .
17 He decided to run workshops on ‘ having fun ’ after noticing that this was a gap in the lives of many of his clients — and in his own .
18 However , it is only fair to comment that he did place the lives of two of his most valuable NCOs in jeopardy as well as that of an officer whom he could ill afford to lose .
19 However , for all the splendours of the Monument Valley scenery and Fonda 's tight-lipped moral integrity , there is a downside to his crusade , which is only won at the cost of the lives of two of his brothers and involves the death of Doc Holliday ( Victor Mature ) , a noble outlaw who gets washed away by bullets and consumption along with the bad elements .
20 His captaincy suffered by having to succeed Brearley , for the Middlesex man 's wonderful understanding of the psychological needs of each of his players was something that Botham could never hope to emulate .
21 — almost as old as the grandfathers of many of his fans .
22 If you wish , go on your way , but we shall report your rudeness and obduracy to Philip IV of France , who would not be too pleased to see future delicate negotiations hindered by the ill-manners of one of his envoys . ’
23 She simpered back before looking , sloe-eyed , towards a dreamy-faced Huddle , now sketching in charcoal the outlines of one of his vigorous paintings on the wall of the nave .
24 If Shelley reflected the feelings of many of his contemporaries there was good reason why this should have been so .
25 But , at little cost , Mr Museveni has won the hearts of most of his people , the Baganda .
26 Admittedly , he was not driven by the same devoutly mercenary ambitions of some of his colleagues and sought artistic satisfaction wherever possible .
27 Francois Morellet is showing ‘ Relache ’ , a series of recent works whose title pays homage to Picabia , at Liliane and Michel Durand-Dessert ( 16 January to 20 February ) while Vera Rohm 's ‘ Foto-tele ’ , monumental sculptures , are on at Nikki Diana Marquadt until the middle of January , together with large panels by Horst Haack , taken from pages of one of his albums , covered with sketches , quotations , poems and newspaper cuttings .
28 Around the inner walls the Annamese soldiers of the imperial guard , who looked as if they 'd stepped out of the pages of one of his adventure-story books , stood sentinel with their muskets .
29 ‘ There 's been nights of passionate love in this house that have left the lovers more depressed than ecstatic , ’ said Thomas , who found the neurotic sex-lives of some of his betters incomprehensible .
30 His intellectual ability had a profound influence on the geological theories of many of his colleagues , especially in the field of glacial deposits .
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