Example sentences of "[noun pl] be the [num ord] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The stringencies built into the economy are serious disadvantages and salutary disciplines : Soviet designers are the last to confuse the most advanced solution with the most effective one .
2 On present evidence it appears that Classical Greek craftsmen were the first to employ enamel , but that it was the Byzantine Greeks who carried the craft to a new level of accomplishment in the service of the imperial court and the rituals of eastern Christianity .
3 The French shops were the first to use the dark green exterior , which became an instantly recognizable hallmark of ‘ country ’ quality , and were also the first to have architect-designed wooden interiors .
4 They both looked up as she entered , but Piers was the first to speak .
5 The trials are the first to show an effect of prophylactic vitamin A supplementation on morbidity or mortality in Africa .
6 Consequently these areas are the first to exhibit extra fat and the last to actually reduce .
7 Directors need to make swift , well-informed decisions to ensure that their companies are the first to react and are able to grow at their competitors ' expense .
8 We will never in any circumstances be the first to use force . "
9 They will never and under any circumstances be the first to use armed force against each other or against third states …
10 THE visitors were the first to threaten danger as Swifts looked to get onto a winning run , but from a right wing cross Douglas shot over when well placed .
11 Scandinavian countries were the first to have to close waterways because of poisoning problems and now Britain has a potential crisis .
12 These approvals are the first to come forward under the transitional arrangements the Government set up to cover RECHAR in the 1992–93 financial year .
13 The petals are the last to go on as these will fade and die quickly if a start is made too soon .
14 The yews were the last to lose their identity , they were little notes of blackness .
15 We all gathered in an area where a bar had been arranged , the house party guests being the last to arrive .
16 ‘ Our machines are the first to produce high-quality images on 100 per cent cotton , and non-toxic , durable , images on mugs . ’
17 Yesterday 's figures are the first to include statistics on trade with the EC since the single market came into force at the start of the year .
18 Inventories prove , for example , that turnips were a successful field crop long before Viscount Townshend , that the Cheshire cheese industry was flourishing by the seventeenth century , that Lancastrian and Cumbrian farmers were the first to grow potatoes on a significant scale and that many Pennine hill-farmers relied upon the local markets for their bread corn and malt , for they grew no cereals at all .
19 The bricklayers were the first to leave , followed by the tarmac gang and the plasterers .
20 When she set the boxes in front of the teenagers , drawing out the bright shirts and linen trousers , the girls were the first to come forward .
21 Scottish members were the first to take advantage of this development but others were not far behind .
22 The League 's five Maghreb members were the first to announce that they would be sending representation at ambassadorial level only ( instead of foreign ministers ) .
23 NERC scientists were the first to discover the hole in the ozone layer , and have played a key role in UN-backed climate change research .
24 It seems to have been invented by Exekias , and there are a few late black figure and early red-figure examples , but Euphronios is the first to make it a regular vehicle for major work .
25 The ducks were the first to find a surprise .
26 The 1989 Autumn Statement and the 1990/91 Expenditure Plans were the first to use a new definition of the planning total .
27 ‘ It actually improves the quality of life , even for people not connected with angling , because anglers are the first to tackle pollution .
28 Our results are the first to show , in vivo , that the release of neurotransmitter aminoacids occurs in the conscious human brain during seizures .
29 Today 's numbers are the first to include statistics on trade with the EC since the single market came into force at the start of the year .
30 The new modules are the first to emanate from OSF 's Request for Technology issued last summer for the supply of components to the next generation of its user interface , UEC II ( UX No 399 ) .
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