Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [not/n't] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 But in an important respect , ( the one this article is about ) , helices are not at all classical .
2 In other ways , too , the evidence of coins needs to be used with sensitivity , since the depictions on coins are not at all like modern photographs .
3 Such reactions are not at all surprising , given what has recently come to light — despite the sanpro industry 's secrecy .
4 The signs are not at all difficult to pick up .
5 I know now that owls are not at all like living cuddly toys , but at the time I wanted to reach out and cuddle them .
6 These methods are not at all standardised , and draw little in their design on the parent body of knowledge , multiple criteria decision making .
7 Bogs are not at all renewable in the strict sense , because the unique historical archive stored in the past can never be replaced . "
8 His hand captured her face and turned her towards him in the old domineering manner but his eyes were not at all hard .
9 ‘ I 'm sure Piers is n't at all interested in schoolgirl escapades , ’ she said pointedly .
10 But Mr Broadhurst 's instruction in the magical arts was not at all what I had expected .
11 But Saddam 's motives are not at all altruistic , as er , everyone , everyone can guess .
12 ‘ You know , my dear , the gospels are not at all clear on that point .
13 From my own experience , service breaks of 15–20 years are not at all unusual , although older candidates do tend to underestimate the value of their past experience , apologising for personal inadequacies which , on further examination , do not exist .
14 Some individuals are not at all photogenic and really do look much better in real life than in pictures .
15 And , unfortunately , sectarian attacks were not at all uncommon .
16 The next two years were not at all successful , and there were reasons for that which Jackie himself will admit .
17 The banks were not at all keen to lend to somebody who seemed actually to need money .
18 Designing experiments to control for all these possibilities is not at all easy , as much of the debate within the research literature shows .
19 I hope this letter shows Rotties are not at all vicious but need a little bit of love and care .
20 But these figures are n't at all certain .
21 The Fat Controller forced upon me the conclusion that things were not at all as they seemed .
22 However , the extent to which products like PageMaker , Ventura , Harvard Professional Publisher or Ready , Set , Go will impact on a dealership 's day to day customers is not at all clear .
23 Technically , the cetacean side of things is n't at all well handled : the beast is evidently as much of a pawn as Jonah ; its providential appearance just as the sailors are tossing Jonah overboard smacks far too heavily of a deus ex machina ; and the great fish is casually dismissed from the story the moment its narrative function has been fulfilled .
24 A campaign for the effective use of current resources is not at all incompatible with a campaign for additional ones and may enhance the clarity with which the shortfall in support for teachers is expressed .
25 Policy documents expressed commitment to Community Care but the relationship between broad policy goals and the specific activities of service providing agencies was not at all clear .
26 The Jewish law regarding sexual relations is not at all related to the Christian concept of sex being sin , or to women being sinful in some way .
27 PSI , which is supported by the EPHOS guide to public procurement , is a reaction to end-users ' belief that too much time has been spent focusing on the protocol aspect of interoperability — in which users are n't at all interested .
28 High cereal prices were not at all " extraordinary " in the years of the French wars from 1793 to 1815 .
29 Americans were not at all used to being defeated .
30 Yet Owen , Roff and their contemporaries were not at this point working as real headhunters in the American sense of the word .
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