Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [adj] to her " in BNC.

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1 But the words were meaningless to her , and she ran on , her breath ragged .
2 Words were important to her .
3 Some of the causes of the crisis are familiar to other countries ( although it is typical of the little Englander approach of the federalists in Britain that they assume that Britain 's problems are unique to her ) .
4 Yet she thought it should be done , and she thought these horrible sights and cursed memories were delectable to her , against her will ’ .
5 Unlike the names of the French theorists who had laid the groundwork for structuralism — Barthes , Foucault , Derrida , for instance most of these names were unknown to her .
6 He did not understand that she felt so shrivelled and drained , and all thought of sexual relations was abhorrent to her — she was not a fit partner , and shrank from his attentions with loathing .
7 If a Muslim , she usually marries a cousin who lives in the same village so at least the surroundings are familiar to her ; but among Hindus and Sikhs the husband 's family nearly always live in a different village ( because a woman must marry outside her kin ) .
8 Nobody comforted her , for weeping was not necessary , but it was on the other hand permissible , and when she got home the aunts and uncles were kind to her and offered her cups of tea .
9 The rest of the grounds were unfamiliar to her .
10 They blamed her for splitting up the family and on many occasions were abusive to her .
11 The nature of her job there was , to Clara , wholly obscure , but then the nature of most jobs was obscure to her .
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