Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [adj] for this " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively you can try to apply the sensitive etch-resist ink yourself , and special positive-working aerosols are available for this purpose .
2 Earthworms are excellent for this purpose .
3 Forms are available for this purpose from the Librarian .
4 Special high frequency dog whistles are available for this purpose , which although virtually inaudible to the human ear , can be heard by dogs with their more sensitive hearing a good distance away .
5 Central NACAB office and the 22 area offices are responsible for this mammoth task , which until recently has accounted for one fifth of the NACAB budget .
6 It has a softwood front fascia , ‘ brick ’ front piers are optional for this concrete-panelled garage
7 Night Goblin units with Fanatics are good for this .
8 The bogie cars were unsuitable for this arrangement and the small boxes were hung from the top edge of the dash either side .
9 BBC has been testing EON on its local radio traffic experiment in south-east England and the Midlands for about two years , and several other European countries are already , or soon will be , implementing EON , although none of the 50 or so existing RDS models is suitable for this function .
10 The drawing suggests that a number of balls are available for this and they are just pushed into the hole one alter the other until it is filled and a surface can be laid on top of it .
11 Few accurate counts are available for this species , but the records since 1967 show it to be most numerous in the county from October to March , with peak numbers in October or November and February or March .
12 Baby jars are ideal for this with the bottom in ( 6mm ) of the cutting in water .
13 Lightly cover the eyelid with a neutral block of colour , increasing in depth towards the outer lid and smudge a small amount along the edge of the lower lashes , Clinique 's Naturalist collection of colours are perfect for this .
14 ‘ Thirteen days is fast for this sort of thing .
15 Two conditions are necessary for this kind of learning to occur .
16 The short flats are good for this ; they are also useful for blocking in colour and for short strokes .
17 While The Shadows were responsible for this red/pink mania , some years later Jimi Hendrix inspired most of these to be refinished or over-painted — this time mostly in white .
18 Special purpose burners are available for this model .
19 The tawny owl assemblages are intermediate for this character , and although it has not been quantified , it is notable that the skulls present in tawny owl pellets are less complete than those in barn owl or some of the other species listed in Table 3.5 , having only the front part of the vault preserved .
20 ‘ High-interest , instant-access accounts from banks and building societies are ideal for this money . ’
21 The Henley committee thought 30 seconds was sufficient for this particular stroke .
22 This can not be divorced from the earlier points made about monitoring and evaluating the project , and it is arguable that a programme of long-term follow-up visits and meetings is necessary for this purpose .
23 Modern compact cameras are ideal for this work because if you are scouting out miles of water the last thing you want is ten tons of equipment dangling round your neck .
24 Two pairs of sharpened watchmakers ' forceps are necessary for this dissection .
25 For , suppose we know that the main variable of interest in the study varies much less within strata than overall , then much more precise estimates are possible for this variable .
26 Erm this has been to Great Parndon Committee so it 's been through the neighbourhoods er , community cycle and there has been an exhibition following that committee on Three Hills , which was very well attended by by tenants and residents and main feelings coming out of that was that erm the residents were keen for this to happen , certainly wanted something to happen erm er , on the estate particularly demolition of the four empty blocks .
27 We conclude that heterogeneous chemistry on background aerosols was responsible for this conversion , which brought with it the potential for additional ozone loss in the autumn .
28 Some dogs obviously require more grooming than others , and a variety of tools are available for this purpose , ranging from combs and brushes to scissors and clippers .
29 , If you feel happy about curling your own hair , heated curlers are ideal for this hair type .
30 A small set of binoculars are useful for this work and polarising sunglasses are an absolute must .
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