Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [prep] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 If your notes are to be the product of analytical thought , rather than a mere prelude to it , it is essential that you always review your reading .
2 GRE also announced that its Lytham and Edinburgh offices are to be the subject of a six-month operating review to improve efficiency .
3 Teachers in these schools are to be the employees of the governing bodies ( made up of representatives from the funding industry and of parents ) who will be ‘ free to negotiate pay and conditions of service ’ .
4 Henceforward British subjects were to be the sum total of the citizens of those territories — some independent and some not independent as yet — which had formerly been within the allegiance as dominions of the Crown .
5 Though Todi in later centuries was to be a Ghibelline city — and still wears on its face some Ghibelline emblems — it was one of many in Umbria in earlier centuries which was loosely embraced by the papal umbrella .
6 The Bootle coal mountains are to be the focal point of a demonstration against imports and pit closures tomorrow .
7 The new charters were to be a staging post .
8 Subsidiaries were to be no more than 50 per cent foreign-owned , in order , according to Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov , to prevent the monopoly of branches of industry by foreign companies .
9 The next few decades were to be a period of accelerating changes for the mills of the area as Hicks , who in 1806 became Lord of the Manor , systematically extended his empire .
10 The Japanese invasion brought an end to this initial stage of Holy Cross ; the war years were to be a severe testing of the training given .
11 Such individuals were to be the standard-bearers of an agricultural revolution based on a farming system which overcame the limitations of African soils by the scientific rotation of crops and their integration with livestock .
12 Exchange of witness statements is to be the norm in all actions , not just personal injury actions .
13 More radical action by companies may be required if audit committees are to be the agent of real improvement in standards of corporate governance .
14 For example , if a supplier has agreed to deliver a computer system and the contract states that the terminals are to be a deep yellow colour but , instead , he delivers a computer with lemon coloured terminals , this will amount to a breach of warranty unless there is some special reason why the deep yellow colour was specified .
15 Dossy 's earliest ambitions were to be a writer after he was told at school that he had literary talent .
16 Sad to say , these successes were to be the prelude to the downfall of Leeds City .
17 Their festivals were to be a commemoration of God 's acts and even some of their clothes were to carry a reminder : ‘ Into this tassel you shall work a violet thread , and whenever you see this in the tassel , you shall remember all the Lord 's commands and obey them . ’
18 It announced that , if doctrine as opposed to Bible stories was to be a part of school education , then such religious education could not adopt a common denominator approach between the churches , but had to be total in its presentation of what the Roman catholic church considered to be the truth , otherwise such an approach would be ‘ dangerous ’ for the children ( Gaine 1968 : 164 ) .
19 The result might have been different if there had been a notice attached to the goods making it clear that these goods had nothing to do with the defendant 's business as a dealer in second-hand goods but had come from his home and that the sale of the goods was to be a private transaction .
20 Planning , social inquiry reports and enforcing court orders are to be the future task of probation , with an emphasis on the new task of the management and organisation of time , resources and workloads .
21 The worst of fates was to be a wallflower passed over and rejected .
22 Spengler 's concept of the alleged unity of European culture and its primary faustian symbols was to be the basis of his ‘ Europe a Nation ’ campaign after the Second World War .
23 Printed materials published or distributed to accompany petitioning campaigns , in 1792 and 1823–4 for example , were clearly in the first instance intended to produce as many petition signatures as possible ; the mass of petitions was to be the weight behind the parliamentary initiatives of Wilberforce and Buxton .
24 It is not necessarily romantic — that is , restrictive , unreal , exaggerated — to draw on the upper deck for the individual characters whose attitudes and decisions are to be the driving force of a story .
25 Within each school , PNP coordinators were to be the LEA 's main agent for interpreting , explaining and implementing the goals of the programme .
26 In fact , the first Labour government which took office in January 1924 , after Baldwin had been defeated on an amendment to the Address , lasted until October , when the new government in turn was defeated on a Liberal amendment to a Conservative motion which MacDonald chose to regard as a matter of confidence ; and the Conservatives rather than the Liberals were to be the beneficiaries of MacDonald 's fall .
27 Pageants were to be the salvation of the studios .
28 Since older miners were usually no longer fit to work at the coal-face and did less well-remunerated jobs on or near the surface , this meant that in old age — if they reached it — their pensions were to be a calculated on the basis of their more poorly paid years at work !
29 Some of these institutions were to be the outcome of local amalgamations — including colleges of art .
30 The local authorities were to be the main organisers of hospital provision , combining together in joint authorities to plan care in their areas , including the voluntary sector .
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