Example sentences of "[noun pl] be that [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The most widely used system of nomenclature of chemical compounds is that recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) .
2 A further series of ‘ county ’ books is that devoted to ‘ The Making of the English Landscape ’ , of which more than a dozen have appeared under the Hodder & Stoughton imprint .
3 Probably the most spectacular of the new castles was that built by William de Warenne at Lewes , towering on its two mounds above the surrounding town and the wide flood plains of the Ouse .
4 The last of the poor man 's gold rushes was that directed in 1896 to the confluence of the Yukon and Klondike rivers , Alaska .
5 I wonder how important it is for those players because the the competition over here has its detractors , what about over there , I ca n't imagine the Italians being that bothered about doing well in this competition , certainly the gates over there do n't suggest that it 's that important ?
6 One illuminating example of the usefulness of behavioural homework targets is that provided by a lift-phobic whom we saw .
7 Not the least of these problems is that raised by Poulantzas that the concentration upon the pluralistic influences within the state ( introducing the ‘ problematic of the subject ’ ) , calls into question the whole basis of a specifically Marxist analysis , and structuralist analysis may thus become indistinguishable from pluralist or elitist analysis .
8 The most complex of their techniques is that used by the mallee fowl in the open scrub country of southern Australia .
9 The major study , the Dickens study , of the operation of the unfair dismissal jurisdiction of the industrial tribunals is that conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Warwick ( Dickens et al. , 1985 ) which involved large-scale interviewing of those involved in the tribunal processes in three regions of England and Wales .
10 In Scotland the most comprehensive and publicly available source of information on estate boundaries is that compiled by Millman ( 1969 , 1970 and 1972 ) .
11 While Special Branch sent along junior officers to transcribe proceedings at NL meetings in 1939 , the most important information we have on its activities is that procured by an intelligence agent working for the Board of Deputies of British Jews .
12 An important study of muscular effort and air-pressure in stressed syllables is that reported in Ladefoged ( 1967 ) , pp. 1–49 .
13 Perhaps the most remarkable of all serpentine chemical defences is that employed by the spitting cobras of Africa .
14 The only relaxation presently available from the absolute prohibition against foreign lawyers ( other than those who duly obtain the professional qualifications necessary to become members of the legal profession in England and Wales ) undertaking the work of solicitors and barristers is that afforded under the European Communities ( Services of Lawyers ) Order 1978 which , as amended , has effect for the stated purpose of enabling an EC qualified lawyer to pursue his professional activities in any part of the UK by providing , subject to conditions , the services otherwise reserved to the local professions ( advocates , barristers and solicitors ) .
15 One of the most innovative systems is that found in the optical mouse used with the Xerox Star business computer .
16 Perhaps the earliest statement of the view that latent inhibition depends upon the relationship between the target stimulus and its consequences was that offered by Mackintosh ( 1973 ) , who argued that the phenomenon was one aspect of a general ability of animals to learn to ignore stimuli that predicted no change in reinforcement .
17 One of the finest churches was that dedicated to the Saviour at Nereditski , 1198 , which was completely destroyed in the Second World War .
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