Example sentences of "[noun pl] be in [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The geographical nature of the North-East dictates that the vast majority of North-East based national football reporters gravitate to Newcastle and Sunderland on a daily basis because the clubs are in such close proximity .
2 The only parts of the experimental area where there are no facilities for cyclists are in those residential streets that are sufficiently lightly and slowly trafficked as to constitute no danger to cyclists sharing the roadway with cars .
3 ‘ They are both very important jobs for us , not least because contracts are in these lean times but also because of the calibre of both the clients , ’ said Mr Asquith .
4 Drivers are in such close proximity to passengers and there is no grille between them as in black cabs .
5 Most schools are in such poor physical condition and are so poorly equipped that this is unlikely to be a viable option .
6 But few countries were in such neutral condition , and very much later the subtle signs of appreciation became known : extra aid for Guatemala ‘ enhanced ’ military aid for Honduras , a veto of a damaging import-limitation bill for Taiwan , and goodness knows what quiet back-scratching for China and South Africa .
7 ‘ I am proud to say that one of our comrades is in this very squadron .
8 Because the nests are in such orderly rows , scientists at the Museum of Paleontology at Drumheller , Alberta , believe that the same species of dinosaur returned to the site to give birth each year for many hundreds of years .
9 Notice , though , that while flow figures are useful in telling us the directions in which companies channel the funds they received , they do not tell us how active intermediaries are in any particular market .
10 The potential for conflict when Chinese and Japanese troops were in such close proximity was enormous , and became greater as China moved towards unity and greater strength .
11 On the other hand the material which Eliot had put into Pound 's hands turned out to be so inchoate that many readers were led to wonder how far the poem as they had it all these years was in any authentic sense Eliot 's at all .
12 Unfortunately , no trials of efficacy were carried out at that time , and this is impossible to do now as the vaccination schedules are in such widespread use .
13 Some may think it foolish to restart playing at Park Avenue when fixtures are in such short supply , but a group of people dedicated to keeping first-class cricket on the famous ground have guaranteed Yorkshire £10,000 to stage a match there .
14 The significance and scale of the surge of patients to GPs was in most other respects not appreciated .
15 But the result of this restrictive attitude to the grant of silk is that successful leaders are in such short supply , and consequently are able to charge such high fees , that the cost of fighting an important case in the High Court is a public scandal .
16 the bits are in that grey box at that top there , er Victoria
17 ‘ Independent schools have great problems with control of pupils using illegal substances because our pupils are in that socio-economic group which makes them attractive to drug-pushers . ’
18 Clearly , clearly , the survey could n't be carried on in very many parts of the sewer because the pipes are in such bad condition .
19 I shall treat my own family in the same way , disregarding the fiction that my children are in some mystical way an extension of myself .
20 I want to take issue with the idea that children are in any simple sense appropriating gender roles from the texts they consume , and argue instead that we should pay more attention to the social process which structure gendered readings .
21 They asked us to take them as a matter of urgency because the children were in such poor condition
22 As Cournot says , ‘ Economists understand by the term Market , not any particular market place in which things are bought and sold , but the whole of any region in which buyers and sellers are in such free intercourse with one another that the prices of the same goods tend to equality easily and quickly . ’
23 Especially so when housing and jobs are in such short supply for those who already live here .
24 All three were the predestined victims of capitalism , though , as we have seen , neither the peasantry nor the country-based social hierarchy which rested on its backs were in any immediate danger of collapse .
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