Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [verb] [prep] different " in BNC.

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1 Elections in the United States take place every two years ( more frequently if one includes state and local elections ) and , as part of the checks and balances built into the process by the constitution , different institutions are elected for different tenures .
2 Often quite different language and notations are needed with different groups ; it would be a very ambitious program that attempted to cope with this .
3 Such a con-flict is endemic when different policies are applied at different levels of government .
4 Mr Jencks concludes that to search for a comprehensive policy to tackle the underclass is a waste of time ; different policies are needed for different problems that may be only loosely related .
5 In this type of survey a sample of people is recruited to a panel and their attitudes are surveyed at different times .
6 According to ancient Chinese medicine , individual teeth are connected to different body parts through a series of meridians .
7 Drinks cans are made in different sizes , but most are approximately cylindrical in shape .
8 Nor are the disputes confined to those instances where the two tiers are controlled by different party majorities , though such differences may add to the bitterness of the disputes .
9 The aim of this research is to investigate the extent to which different reading patterns are related to different patterns of strength and weakness in performance in tasks which do not involve reading per se , but tap aspects of cognition which are relevant to the acquisition of reading .
10 Certain key rules are repeated in different chapters throughout the book .
11 Different roads are marked in different colours so that motorists know how big each road is .
12 Compounds are written in different ways ; sometimes they are written as one word , e.g. ‘ armchair ’ , ‘ sunflower ’ , sometimes with the words separated by a hyphen , e.g. ‘ gear-change ’ , ‘ fruit-cake ’ , and sometimes with two words separated by a space , e.g. ‘ desk lamp ’ , ‘ battery charger ’ .
13 Chemical analysis has indicated which compounds are associated with different hop flavours .
14 Holists and individualists may both be said to have an overarching interest in understanding the mechanisms which operate in the social world , but beneath this unifying umbrella their eyes are fixed on different features on the landscape , and their respective theories are to be judged in relation to the tasks they set themselves .
15 When speakers are looking for different ways of accomplishing the same goal ( in Coveney 's example , successfully requesting information ) they are not limited to the various possibilities in the linguistic system for constructing formal interrogatives .
16 ( Rosten , 1968 : 443-4 ) Although person deixis is reflected directly in the grammatical categories of person , it may be argued that we need to develop an independent pragmatic framework of possible participant-roles , so that we can then see how , and to what extent , these roles are grammaticalized in different languages .
17 To this a variety of solutions were given at different times .
18 However , the real difficulty , leading to the eventual scuttling of the Bill , was that the scheme proposed different remedies being offered in different circumstances against different defendants .
19 Coal hole covers were made in different patterns and embossed with the name of the foundry ; outside older houses , the bootscrapers can often still be seen .
20 In each class at least four methods were used by different pupils to work out the answer to this item .
21 Manufacturers were looking at different techniques in an effort to beat off their rivals .
22 Thus , for hundreds of years before the formation of the first Yugoslav state in 1918 , the South Slav peoples were subjected to different forms of political and cultural pressure .
23 So various calendars were developed in different parts of the world .
24 In practice a combination of teaching methods and media can be expected to provide the best basis for programmes of library user education , different methods being adapted to different parts of the programme and to the teachers and students concerned .
25 I realized that the voices were coming from different rooms in the building .
26 On the exterior the brickwork was used for banding and in decorative patterns ; bricks were laid at different angles in herringbone , chevron and fret patterns , for example .
27 Progressively older embryos require a higher oxygen tension in the medium and , therefore , different gas mixtures are used for different stages of embryo .
28 These policy areas are located in different parts of the state , each with its own ‘ institutional relative autonomy ’ ( Palmer 1985 : 528 ) and distinct organizational interests and policy agendas .
29 It is of particular value where international companies are working in different time zones and the telephone is not always a convenient method of communication .
30 Various LC phase change effects are exploited by different Japanese televisions .
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