Example sentences of "[noun pl] but [adv] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So I mean is certainly makes sense on the background and very calmly by er Mr saying very positive so I ca n't hold my hand up and pick out particular in which they , some of them er never change opposition District Council that their negative response if you like but there were , there were some positive responses but only I have to say this for something like four er proposed paper and one of those in which er lots of in which relevance and er businesses in the area could have er the thing that er response was er this this partic particular phrase would seem to be saying trouble erm er identified .
2 Erm I 've played with Clyde Ladies for about five years but previously I played with Stewarton .
3 Well I , he lived at Stowmarket for years but then I heard not so long ago that they had moved to Ipswich but where I do n't know but they must be , whether he 's than I have now I do n't know either .
4 ‘ I do n't play in the five-asides but then I did n't play in them much before because I tend to get too argumentative and carried away sometimes . ’
5 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
6 Yeah but I , but I cos I can see the arguments but then I mean I 'm just not , I 'm not entirely sure whether i i it could n't work , that it could n't work being a middle peasant economy and that these erm these inequalities would er sort of
7 We 've also er recently been talking to erm a lecturer of the University who is doing a project , a research project , and would like to er offer his services to us in in that er in that project , so we at the early stages but nonetheless I think it is er very important that we do er test the market place and find out what both think of us , so that we with a prime and only objective of improving a service
8 It actually has twelve verses but here I have shortened it .
9 Certainly with the roses I use them as a love symbol , I used to always use dead and dried roses but now I 've started to use live ones .
10 He said : ‘ I lost three years of international chances but now I want to help Oxford win . ’
11 I know one should n't bite the hand that feeds but sometimes I feel that the roles are reversed : that I 'm really William Darcy , and I 'm playing the part of James Salperton . ’
12 Providence , destiny — although I would like to treat destiny with a very small " d " in my case — inevitably played their parts but nevertheless I got away with it , and my crew got away with it .
13 Mind you the shit I used to get away with at school , you know , just winding the teachers up and like generally taking the piss , I 'd always pay attention and I 'd always , always get good marks but somehow I think they seem to take pissing about slightly more seriously here .
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