Example sentences of "[noun pl] they had [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I traced my own family tree I found that the Heys had come into the parish of Penistone ( and more particularly to that part known as the township of Thurlstone where I lived ) about the year 1800 and that during the previous three centuries they had resided in Kirkburton parish immediately to the north .
2 They tried to use the methods they had learned at Harvard until these were vetoed by their new boss .
3 The coolies sensed their fright instantly and in a moment forty or fifty of them were advancing menacingly on the little group of overseers , brandishing the implements they had used for so long to tend the rubber plantation under their ruthless tutelage .
4 ‘ Often I have bent my way to the great entrance of Studley and seen twenty or more carriages waiting , unhorsed , for the return of the parties they had deposited in the morning and who were now rambling in all directions .
5 The question to be faced after the Robbins deliberations was whether the solutions they had proposed for the CATs constituted a model for future action .
6 The British Communists and the large group of supporters they had built around them could not sidestep the problem .
7 In the spring parliament of 1340 the commons offered a grant of tax subject to conditions which now went much further than the concessions they had sought in the previous year and which were reminiscent of the concerns of the Ordainers in 1310–11 .
8 The same problem arose with patients who reproduced , unconsciously , early painful relationships they had had with their parents in their relationship with their analysts .
9 It was n't only due to the harsh words they had exchanged over Ryan ; she found it hard to write naturally because of the lie she was enacting .
10 The disturbance escalated into a full-scale riot when other inmates began pulling on balaclavas and taking out sticks , iron bars and knives they had concealed beneath their uniforms .
11 Before they reached heaven , the great majority of men and women would be required to spend a period in an intermediate location called purgatory , where those destined for eternal bliss would first be subjected to severe punishments for the sins they had committed on earth .
12 The amount of land made available for them to purchase should be approximately equivalent to the allotments they had tilled for their own subsistence under serfdom .
13 There had been a bitter dispute in the college ever since a group of young fellows returning after the war had voted many of the old fellows out of the college offices they had held for a long time .
14 In May 1952 an Equalisation of Burdens Act provided compensation payments to refugees for the losses they had suffered as a result of the war .
15 DELIGHT , elation and relief greeted the news of the government 's decision to compensate investors for the bulk of the losses they had suffered in the collapse of Barlow Clowes .
16 About 1820 , possibly due to the persuasion and influence of William Gilkison , Galt became the London agent for people in Upper Canada who were trying to obtain compensation from the British Government for losses they had sustained in the 1812/13 war with the U.S.A. He submitted a plan to the Government which led to the creation of the Canada Company , and , as its first Secretary , he was sent to Canada to acquire land .
17 It was clear that the responses they had given to the respective campaign teams were not necessarily accurate .
18 Following the August legislative and presidential elections [ see p. 39064 ] , the new Croatian government was sworn in on Sept. 8 ; seven ministers and one deputy prime minister retained the posts they had held in the previous government .
19 In ten days , the unknown Fayeds gained permission to own House of Fraser , and throughout the ten days they put continuous lies before the public to justify the Government permissions they had got with such ease .
20 The French bank originally heard about the headhunters they had employed by word-of-mouth contact , and BICC had based their choice — perhaps more dangerously — on a review of headhunting firms ' own literature .
21 Despite all the sparks they had struck off one another she had felt they were forging a deep friendship based on mutual respect and acknowledgement of each other 's special qualities .
22 At the 1931 election the Labour Party retained only one in six of the seats they had won in 1929 .
23 On their travels they had fallen in love with some exciting pieces of furniture , most of which were unavailable here .
24 The history , culture and knowledge of these people were denigrated and the contributions they had made to European thought forgotten .
25 Li Yuan hesitated , then , composing himself , he began , itemising the discoveries they had made at various SimFic establishments : discoveries which had broken the Edict .
26 A full record of the secret messages they had passed between them .
27 Under his face , half overlaid by a crag shaped like a mushroom growth on a tree trunk , entirely obscured until his eyes were close up to it by the thick vegetation , was the open fissure which for thirty days they had searched for in vain .
28 No one had ever seen a bride or groom walk to their wedding ; even the very poor found a car for that day and in the old days they had gone by trap or sidecar .
29 The government did no intend then to be used in order to restore to the districts responsibilities they had lost to the counties , but many districts hoped this would be possible .
30 Statements they had made to the police would be submitted .
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