Example sentences of "[noun pl] they [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The hall just could n't cope and after six songs they retreated to the dressing room .
2 Whatever momentous steps they took in the Devonian , the lungfish and lobe fins have been very conservative since , for the living lungfish are clearly similar to their Palaeozoic relatives and coelacanth lobe fins like the living genus ( Latimeria ) are known from Cretaceous rocks .
3 That Mrs Aggie no longer went ragging in The Courts , but , instead , encouraged the children to bring what rags they had to the yard , there to receive their candy rock , and also the women to come on a Sunday morning to the barn and buy what they wanted , she knew was very wise .
4 The story is told of one time Archbishop of Paris , who with two or three other of his friends as young lads they went into the great cathedral there at Notre Dame
5 Even today , in the amalgamated forces , this structuring principle holds good ; and many old hands still refer to the ‘ real police forces ’ as those small units they joined in the late 1960s and early 1970s .
6 There was always a hunger for newspapers and magazines ( usually preferred to books ) and he 'd heard of baptizers in Patashoqua who named children by stabbing a copy of the London Times with a pin and bequeathing the first three words they pricked upon the infant , however unmusical the combination .
7 The only words they exchanged during the engagements were to discuss which side of the car they were going to step out of .
8 At best , this will help to ensure that black workers remain in those employment sectors they entered in the boom years of the 50 's and 60's .
9 By and large they fell in happily with the exhortations they received from the Arab world not to take any unauthorized political initiatives .
10 They had failed to change with the times , so the speeches they wrote for the Queen did her no favours .
11 In Rome these stressed the emperor 's achievements ( military victories , public works , etc. ) , his virtues and divine endorsement of his regime ; in the provinces they dwelt on the important cults or monuments of the city which made them .
12 The issues raised by this and subsequent questions go to the heart of the debate on the Compensation Fund , and it is apparent that many of those who answered negatively felt to varying degrees that in the present commercial climate the public could no longer expect the entire profession to compensate them for any losses they suffered at the hands of a tiny minority of errant solicitors — particularly as no comparable compensation was available from the providers of other professional services .
13 Within a few months they moved to the east coast of Scotland where they were allocated a large stretch of coastline , from Rosyth to Montrose , to protect from the very real threat of German invasion .
14 They longed for the hats and shoes they saw in the Galeries Lafayette .
15 From the dead limbs they cried at the moon , pecked at the wind-shattered stubs where winter had stripped the branches from these creeping giants , added their own anger to the screaming from the split and rotting bark .
16 In the south around the centres of population part-time farmers worked mainly in urban areas as teachers , advisers or tradesmen , whilst in more remote areas they worked in the forests , in the hydro-electricity industry , or as lorry/bus drivers .
17 In chartered helicopters they hovered over the empty stretch of road between Fenny Stratford and Buckingham to photograph the bare tarmac and the last few barriers and police cars parked there at first light .
18 Quakers had plenty of the early play but failed to create any clear chances from the six corners they forced in the opening period .
19 Quakers had plenty of the early play but failed to create any clear chances from the six corners they forced in the opening period .
20 Then the rest of the year was covered , a month at a time , by each of seven vassals , in return for the fiefs they held of the count .
21 Their aerial photographs he subjected to destructive scrutiny , the light crop lines they detected under the unbroken fields he dated several centuries later than the sacking of Aurae Phiala , the dark crop marks emerging so strongly in contrast he refused to consider as early Roman military lines , but set well back into pre-Roman settlement .
22 The great gashes they inflicted on the landscape in their cuttings and embankments healed over , and wild flowers grew abundantly once more .
23 For the rest of their lives they lived in the forest .
24 However , the Catholic parties refused to take the seats they won in the assembly elections .
25 Several local people had reason to be proud of the rescues they effected before the arrival of the rescue services .
26 When his firm first experimented with making a combine-harvester , the blades they used on the cutter were smooth-edged like the swap-hook , or scythe , or the blades on a reaper-binder .
27 FOR THE NEXT SEVEN WEEKS they moseyed around the Western Isles , often encountering rough weather : Skye , Raasay , Coll , Mull , Ulva , Inchkenneth and Iona .
28 That was not so on the men 's tour , which means it would be very much easier for the ITF to set up its own women 's tour linking many of the principal regular events such as Berlin , Eastbourne , Brighton etc , with the Grand Slams , than it would have been had they responded to the many appeals they had at the time to set up a men 's circuit in competition with ATP …
29 For days they passed across the plain below the Legation .
30 For ten days they hid in the upper room .
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