Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] were [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Stirling 's old troop from No. 8 Commando had been absorbed by the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards who were in the desert at a place called Bug Bug , from where Johnny Cooper was recruited .
2 I have seen in my own area where wee lads who were on the border line of going one way or another regarding life in Northern Ireland , ending up getting jobs and doing great for a year and at the end of the year just thrown back onto the dole and people have lost interest in them again .
3 As Tolstoy himself concedes , in The Minister and the Massacres ( p 44 ) : Neither Gen Krasnov nor any other old emigre was seeking to extricate himself from sharing whatever fate attended those of their comrades who were in the equivocal position of being Soviet citizens .
4 Resistance to the French troops who ‘ occupied ’ Spain under cover of the Treaty of Fontainebleau and the national revolution against France which broke out all over unoccupied Spain came , therefore , from those whom the French commanders termed le petil peuple and from those local notables who were outside an administration manned by appointees of Godoy .
5 But er it , it , it er it appears to have been overlooked that , erm some of the directors who were in the bracket in nineteen eighty eight of two hundred and thirty thousand to two ninety five thousand have been increased from three hundred and fifty five thousand this year to a top of four hundred thousand .
6 I heard no more from the Head ( could someone have come worse than me ? ) and also I found myself in a new dorm filled with chaps who were in the top classes at school .
7 In the UK all Iraqis were from Jan. 19 required to have visas to enter the country , and strict registration procedures were laid down for Iraqis who were in the UK on limited leave ; as of Jan. 29 , out of 101 Iraqis detained since the beginning of the year 42 ( together with seven Palestinians ) were currently in detention awaiting deportation , 21 had left or had been deported and three had been released ; 35 serving members of the Iraqi armed forces were being held in military custody .
8 This is fighting talk , and suggests his fond memories of Maurras and the Action Française , but it was only talk — perhaps it was Eliot 's way of enlivening what he thought to be the muted tone of discussion in England ; perhaps it was also a method of inspiring his colleagues at the Moot whom he called " companions in affliction " , intellectuals or refugees who were on the periphery of events to which there was no foreseeable end .
9 According to a report in NIN ( 9 November 1986 ) , the memorandum claimed that the prewar Comintern was hostile to Serbia , that the Serbian delegates to the second session of the Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia in 1943 ( at which major decisions were taken about the postwar composition of Yugoslavia ) were elected not by organizations within Serbia but by Serbian personnel who were in the partisan armies in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time , and that postwar Yugoslavia was largely under the control of Tito , a Croat , and Kardelj , a Slovene .
10 The Nuclear Test Veterans Association has been fighting for 10 years to get compensation for British servicemen who were on the Pacific islands when the tests took place in the 1950s .
11 The new groups who were in the charts , even as the British Task Force made its way across the Atlantic — Duran Duran , ABC , Spandau Ballet — suggested that , of all things , fun was once again back in fashion .
12 At the Westminster election of 1698 , for example , 300 horsemen who were in the service of the Court Whigs , James Vernon and Charles Montagu , charged at their opponents in Tothill fields , and cudgelled them into nearby ditches .
13 It was railway workers who were in the vanguard of the protest , worried about job losses and safety , but Middle England was also on the march , concerned that services might suffer , polls indicate that four out of five voters oppose the sell off .
14 Quantitative limits were also thought to restrict competition as they hampered efficient banks who were in a position to create new deposits .
15 Out on the streets ; tenants who were on the receiving end of an early morning call from the bailiffs .
16 In the past did people really deny support to relatives who were in no position to reciprocate , or at least who seemed unlikely to be able to do so ?
17 As he left the dock he waved to friends and relatives who were in the public gallery .
18 But while they gave support and commitment , it was lesbians who were at the forefront of change when the Girls ' Work Movement came to life in the late seventies and early eighties .
19 ‘ . In another occasion of indecent assault whereby a drunken soccer fan ‘ put his hand up the British Airway girl 's skirt after she tried to subdue him and a group of pals who were on the duty-frees ’ ( Star ) — both the Star and the Sun avoided naming the air hostess .
20 Column 5 shows that the UFC 's method of applying a threshold to broad subject categories covering a range of departments is particularly hard on the 7 departments who were above the national average for their particular subject category but will receive nothing .
21 I appreciate that this view is somewhat unfashionable and would gain little support from the majority of teachers who were at the centre of the disruptions of recent years .
22 Political scientists who were in the intellectual vanguard chose to pay less attention to the constitution and to constitutional theory , and there was a growing consensus that the constitutional approach was a hindrance to understanding British politics .
23 On the day I was there , she had brought along two of her friends who were in a much earlier stage of pregnancy .
24 Under the surface , just how much of the Sun 's object work is done in-house is apparently causing some consternation amongst some third party players who were under the impression that they 'd be getting a bigger slice of the development cake .
25 Seven children who were above the third percentile had recently lost weight or were failing to thrive .
26 The children who were below the third centile for height at diagnosis ( SDS for height <-1.8 ) are of particular concern .
27 In the same 1943 raid , Torquay was also bombed again and the deaf centre escaped with minor blast damage when a bomb fell on the St. Marychurch building a few yards up the road , killing 18 children who were in the building .
28 The National Child Development Study , a longitudinal study of a group of children born in 1958 , showed that the children of owner-occupiers had four times the chance of being in their own owned home rather than in a local authority rented home at age 23 in 1981 , compared with those children who were in the local authority sector at age 7 ( Social Trends 15 , Table 8.11 ; see also Jones , 1987 ) .
29 When he was asked why he himself did not become one , he replied that all men wanted to be Senators but he did not ; he did not want to be the same as other men who were as the uncoloured cloth of the Toga but he wished to be the red , that small and brilliant portion which causes the rest to be comely and beautiful .
30 They brought out large packs of cigarettes — then rationed — and shared them out among the men who were on the road watching .
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