Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was reckoned one of the islands ' best fishing guides , a man who could name his own price to the rich northerners who came to the blue waters to kill gamefish , but Bonefish believed that his family might stray from the path of righteousness if he spent too much time away from home so he restricted his guide work to just a few weeks of the year .
2 A pair of young fighters who come into the ring and fight a contest of this kind would have had the referee boxing their ears and offering such terse words as ‘ get in there and fight ’ .
3 The view can be frequently heard from paid workers in the CAB that volunteers are a privileged class who can not empathise with many of the clients who come to the CAB .
4 There was no process for acclimatizing the many foreigners who came to the studios to a different language and culture .
5 Berncia House , in Vane Terrace , Darlington , is a regular haunt of London officials from a number of ministries who come to the town on business .
6 Putting out the cigarette again , as though stubbing Alice out of existence , he said , " I thought it was some hooligan , these kids who come into a house on an impulse " It was at this point that the next thought hit him , and again he sat staring .
7 Ca n't think what people see in them , ’ he added darkly , referring to the fact that most of the Zoo visitors who came by the Cages spent more time looking at the vultures than they did at African eagles like him .
8 Child hits out at all visitors who come to the house .
9 Any visitors who come to the Province can see the quality of public housing in Northern Ireland .
10 Rafiq sells mostly to Karachi businessmen who come to the village looking for wholesale quantities .
11 A feature of British society in the next 25 years will be the ageing of the ethnic minority communities who came to the country in the 1960s to provide labour ( Figure 2.11 ) .
12 He was determined to disarm any refugees who came into the grounds , and so prevent anyone from starting trouble there .
13 We are keen to help any disabled shareholders who come to the Meeting and have set aside a car parking area for people whose show a disabled sticker .
14 Any farm workers who came near the site in the course of their daily work were too busy to lift their eyes from the soil to take in the surrounding landscape , or individual figures moving within it .
15 Tavernier is sometimes wrongly bracketed with the ‘ new wave ’ of film-makers who came to the fore in the Sixties .
16 Implicit in these views was the fact that child abuse was considered to be only one of a range of problems that many families who come under the system 's microscope were experiencing , and that there was a need to respond to all the problems including child abuse , rather than of necessity giving it priority .
17 J. Three of the trading estates have had New Towns built with them to house workers and their families who come from the larger towns or from villages where there is no more work .
18 Based on our research , we concur with the earlier observation that ‘ paraprofessionals who come from the communities which they serve have been found to be more effective in working with the people as they have close ties and may have insights and information not readily available to the outsider ’ ( IASSW , 1979 , p. 8 ) .
19 Can you remember any of the customers who came to the shop ?
20 She was pretty , like all the other young things who came to the company .
21 As one of the younger officers who came into the job around the time of the reorganization of the water industry , he enjoyed the additional tasks , in contrast with the more experienced men who feel their autonomy has been eroded .
22 There was a note of exile in the voices of the old railway servants who came to the microphone to say goodbye to the station …
23 The squadron also flew the Iraq Levies , A sort of RAF Regiment of the day , they were mainly Kurds who came from the far north of Iraq excellent soldiers but poor airmen who generally laid their breakfast on the cabin floor whilst we were taxying , to take-off .
24 There are others to take into account , namely those co-operators who come from the teaching body , from LEAs ' advisers and from HMI .
25 The farmers remember the lawless boom times a decade ago , when they grew as much coca as they could manage for the drug traffickers who came from the other side of the continent to their market town .
26 A host of current Irish League stars who came through the ranks will line up in a special BB challenge match .
27 Who knows whether the first Americans who came across the Bering Strait in pre-history were indeed the first .
28 ‘ It was an important game for us , ’ he said , ‘ and the players who came into the side did very well .
29 it led me to think that players who come through the youth system should be ‘ guaranteed ’ a huge loyalty bonus after a certain period .
30 Women are now eligible to work down the pits under previous legislation , but there is protection for kids , for the 16-year-olds who come into the industry .
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