Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh adv] [pron] had been " in BNC.

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1 Two hours before sunrise on the ninth of March 1620 , twelve forty-foot-long pirogues slipped out of the mangroves where they had been concealed ; each craft was carrying around ten men , each man an axe with a blade of sharpened rock and a small gouge of oystershell in the cloth tied around his waist ; three in each had quivers full of arrows and a pouch of manchineel sap , also at their waists ; one man in each was armed with a gun .
2 He had originally charged only 10% back in 1946 , at a time when he was principally concerned with much lower-level searches , and had frequently experienced total losses when he had been unable to complete an assignment satisfactorily .
3 When I search a farmland site I always keep careful records , and looking back to my notes I started to search the areas where there had been the greatest concentration of finds .
4 The little shed still smelled of those days when it had been used .
5 Often in the days when she had been touring , had not the same thing happened — and nothing thought of it ?
6 She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge the fact that she had come a very long way since those days when she had been a thin , gawky adolescent .
7 Dalgliesh had n't seen him for more than ten years when he had been a newly appointed inspector in the Metropolitan CID and was surprised to see how little he had changed ; time , marriage , removal from London , promotion , had left no apparent mark on him .
8 She could go her own way , or she must hand over that rebellious will , and seek God 's forgiveness for the years when she had been downright disobedient and pushed Him out of her life .
9 Then we all moved to the dinner tables where everyone had been placed , Barbara Sinatra sat on James Hanson 's right and Frank Sinatra at a nearby table next to Geraldine Hanson .
10 Even Boddy , who had been telling Westerman as they came down the stairs how he had been at Bad Godesberg in 1938 just two days after Hitler and Chamberlain had left , trailed away into silence .
11 I had never seen it other than murky before along that particular section so I decided to walk the far bank and see what I could in the swims where I had been very successful .
12 Jean-Paul 's body was pale , flushed red on face , neck and arms where he had been burned by the sun .
13 Children described to the interviewers how they had been referred to the library to find information on Inuits and Eskimos in basic studies , Scott of the Antarctic in history , and Alexander Fleming in science , while one child described how : In RE sometimes Miss asks us to go and find out ( like ) some information and also in literacy ( like ) there are some people who write letters backwards and Miss asks us to go back and see if we could find any .
14 Sometimes on Sundays he would take her to the fields where he had been helping with the harvest , to see the rabbits , or a nest of mice .
15 Kevin Brown , Patrick Seymour and Lou Collins ran into the listening-post from the cots where they had been lying dozing .
16 She frequently attacked her attendants and discharged herself from institutions where she had been sent for treatment .
17 Er had it been something that you 'd long sought after you know , like like in the mines where it had been an issue for some years ?
18 The Deputy Under Secretary had known heat before , but that was in the dim and dark ages when he had been young and ambitious , working the Counter Insurgency ticket in faraway Malaya and Kenya .
19 So she ran through those utterly devastating transformations when she had been In Love , desperately seeking patterns , pointers — digging for something to bring back her joy , her I will survive .
20 It is a picture of self-respecting and self-reliant people whose expectations were pitifully modest , who knew they could be worse off , who perhaps remembered times when they had been even poorer , but who were always haunted by the spectre of poverty ( as they understood the term ) .
21 And in times when there had been very little money , it had kept them going , Jasper and her , for months .
22 He remembered other times when he had been in a plane at night with his wife and daughter .
23 Well , not quite , but she felt safer after the memory of other loves , other times when she had been happy .
24 ‘ Everyone does , ’ said Comfort , forgetting the times when she had been driven to distracted cruelty by Julia 's unfailing matter-of-factness — and by her concentration on other people .
25 From that date , certain tram and trolleybus depôts and bus garages were renamed , in cases where there had been one of each bearing the same name .
26 In consequence , the courts came to limit the cases in which recovery of an ultra vires impost was allowed to cases where there had been an extraction colore officii .
27 Jasper had complained , had got chilblains , but even he had put up with it ; yet that was one of the reasons why he had been pleased to move in to live with her mother 's warmth , after a cold winter .
28 Fired by an intensely feminine and creative energy , she was spotted as a teenager by her first impresario , who snapped her up off the streets where she had been making her living and introduced her to the torrid cabaret life of the French capital .
29 A fraction of a second later a wash of flame played over the stones where they had been standing .
30 Their dream reports included more water-related imagery , such as lakes or snow , as well as some explicitly thirst-satisfying objects , such as Pepsi Cola , than on control nights when they had been allowed fluids ad lib .
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