Example sentences of "[noun pl] ['s] [noun pl] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 LMS was viewed as being very similar to the pilot schemes , although the heads ' opinions tended to be related to how kind they expected the formula to be to their situation .
2 A number of nurseries are offering it now , and you are likely to find it on the plant stalls of plantsmen 's gardens open to the public .
3 EC countries are likely to miss their target for carbon dioxide emissions in 2000 by atleast 4 per cent , according to a report on member countries ' plans submitted to the European Commission .
4 The clamour of gulls ' voices rose to a shriek and , with her ears full of it .
5 Research studies , however , including ( … ) those of Wolkind and Kozaruk ( 1983 ) on children placed through the Adoption Resource Exchange , and Reich and Lewis ( 1986 ) , and Maca-skill ( 1985a ) concerning the agency Parents for Children , indicate that children who have been placed against their parents ' wishes seem to be settling quite well , but there are insufficient numbers , followed up for insufficiently long , for us to know what the impact of adoption of older children without consent is going to be in the long term .
6 Many people 's experience of parents ' evenings seems to be unsatisfactory with parents attending through almost a sense of obligation and duty rather than that of pleasure .
7 The Cayuse War raged from 1847 to 1850 , in which year the Whitman Massacre ringleaders were hung , and the Indians ' lands opened to homesteading by the Oregon Donation Land Law .
8 He believed as Lionel Curtis did that Indians ' souls had to be renovated before they were fit to govern : he deeply shocked the American journalist William Shirer by announcing that ‘ Self-government … is inconceivable and unattainable without the removal of untouchability , as it also is without Hindu-Moslem unity … we shall be unfit to gain independence so long as we keep in bondage a fifth of the population of Hindustan . ’
9 Miners ' leaders committed to the baths heeded the advice of a mining engineer at the Royal Commission which resulted in the 1911 act , whose advice was : if you win the women to the cause of pithead baths you will win the baths .
10 The differences between Blacks and Whites were fewer than have been found in other surveys , though Blacks ' attitudes tended to be less favourable .
11 Many licensed dealers ' clients boast to friends of their broker or their " man in the City " , who gives them tips .
12 On the grounds of preventing young workers ' wages rising to a level which might price them out of work it scrapped the 1946 Fair Wages Resolution , which required compliance with minimum wage standards for firms trying to secure government and other contracts .
13 Since the sex , age and social class distributions for the general population are known it is not difficult to parcel out the interviewers ' tasks according to these criteria .
14 The prisoners ' grievances appear to be the food here and the availablity of prison clothing .
15 Au pairs ' hours have to be fitted around language classes and travelling and so are unlikely to fit in with yours , unless you are prepared to compromise a great deal and have the energy after work to deal with the appalling homesickness experienced by young people living far from home .
16 Climbers ' eyes tend to be drawn to the cleanest and most direct route up a rock face , while in a similar way walkers piece together peaks and ridges to create their own ‘ direct ’ routes — albeit ( usually ) on a more horizontal plane .
17 Although the precise information sought by Newco 's solicitors will depend on all the circumstances and on the roles taken by other advisers , Newco or its solicitors will generally request its accountants to obtain information and copies of documents in relation to the target business ( or if appropriate , in relation to each group company ) in the following areas : ( a ) constitution : memorandum and Articles of Association and other constitutional documents ; reports and audited accounts for the past three years and subsequent unaudited management accounts ; shareholders ' resolutions required to be filed ; ( b ) borrowings : details of all borrowings , bank accounts and facilities ; copies of all guarantees and indemnities and details of any intra-group arrangements ; ( c ) litigation : particulars of any pending or threatened legal proceedings ; ( d ) employees : terms of employment of and fees paid to all directors and senior executives and information about other employees ' standard terms and conditions of employment ; details of any trade union or collective agreements and codes of conduct or practice ; details of any current or proposed pension , death or disability benefit schemes and any recent actuarial reports ; ( e ) licences : details of all licences and consents necessary for the carrying on of the business ; ( f ) tax : details of all tax and VAT Returns made ; particulars of any PAYE , VAT or other audits ; details of any matters under discussion with the Inland Revenue ; details of any stamp duty exemptions , tax clearances or Treasury Consents ; details of any group asset transfers or arrangements for transfer ; details of any bonus issues , reductions of capital or other capital reorganisations ; group relief ; ( g ) arrangements with the vendor : details of any loans , agreements or contracts between the vendor and any connected persons ; ( h ) title to the assets : details of any encumbrances on property , any factoring agreements , hire purchase , leasing agreements ; list of debtors and details of standard discount and credit terms ; ( i ) contracts : details of material capital commitments , major agreements with suppliers and customers , contracts entered into otherwise than in the ordinary course of business .
18 0802.36 Valuations : Shareholders ' powers according to size of holding
19 During 1992 shareholders ' funds increased to £49.8 million ( up 22% ) .
20 An analysis should be given of the total amount of non-equity interests in shareholders ' funds relating to each class of non-equity shares and series of warrants for non-equity shares .
21 NOW is the time of year when tour operators ' thoughts turn to tempting the over-60s — and increasingly the over 55s — to spend their winters in the sun .
22 Enjoy their version of the mystery and mummers ' plays related to York ; barter at their medieval stalls and enjoy their medieval refreshments and entertainments .
23 Sub-panels and writers ' groups report to the vertical panel and the whole is co-ordinated by the Institute 's professional board .
24 Yet farmers ' voices tend to be drowned out by articulate city-dwellers deprived of subsidies and no longer able to afford imported goods .
25 In other words , managers ' salaries have to be made incentive-compatible , so that the penalty for sending a false ‘ good ’ signal is always greater than the penalty for sending a true ‘ bad ’ signal .
26 It focuses on corporate approaches to managing such staff , e.g. recruitment , selection , appraisal , development , motivation , salary structures , discipline , dismissal and on the characteristics of unions which are recruiting managers , on the extent that managerial unionists experience conflicts of interests between their employer and the union , on the extent to which they tend to be ‘ moderate ’ or ‘ militant ’ and on how managers ' unions relate to other unions .
27 He produced a manual for internal use , including a three-monthly monitoring system and general managers ' bonuses tied to implementation , and sent it to his competitors .
28 Manchester-based Airtours needed 50 per cent of Owners ' shareholders to agree to the deal , but failed to get the necessary votes .
29 It was decided to press ahead with Saturday 's show despite access to the main field being badly cut up by exhibitors ' vehicles having to be tractor- towed into position .
30 Against the background of the general discussion in the first part of this chapter , the remainder of this section highlights some types of patients ' problems related to communicating and the relevant nursing activities .
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