Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] [vb -s] not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It seems appropriate , therefore , to search for a way of specifying required yields which does not rely exclusively upon historic data .
2 Secondly , we shall be very suspicious of any claim to spiritual blessings which does not render the man who claims it willing to tread the path of the Servant , and endure suffering joyfully .
3 The special delivery fee will be refunded to the sender in respect of any item posted in advance of latest recommended posting times which does not receive delivery on the next working day after posting .
4 This list reflects an acceptance of contrasting ideas and ideologies which does not allow us to be simplistically labelled ( ‘ progressive ’ , or otherwise ) and we do n't want to be .
5 It is a personal agreement between shareholders which does not fetter the company in the exercise of its statutory powers .
6 She suggests that this is a hard-line criterion against natural parents which does not take account of social workers ' failure to encourage regular contact between natural parents and children in care .
7 One obvious explanation is that deconstruction provided a convenient successor to the New Criticism in mass higher education , providing a form of detailed close analysis of texts which does not require much in the way of contextual cultural literacy .
8 On the individual level , a decision to adopt the Second Choice , would introduce the overriding need for two new elements in human development , ( a ) , personal self-control , and ( b ) , the requirement to develop a response to the emotions which does not damage , more than can be avoided , the happiness of others .
9 What is required is some way of authenticating these matters which does not impinge too greatly on the ease of use of electronic messaging , and the best method of authentication is undoubtedly some form of digital signature .
10 But as Thierry Bernard , the director of ERAI ( Enterprise Rhone-Alpes International ) points out : ‘ This is one of the few regions which does not offer financial incentives .
11 We need an undivided sport , there have been a few occasions , sadly , when clubs and associations have followed marginally divisive lines as we attempt to represent the sport similar bodies which does not help our cause .
12 I enjoyed Frank Close 's review of cold fusion but would like to mention a simple explanation of Fleischmann and Pons 's results which does not seem to have been discussed ( ‘ Cold fusion : the discovery that never was ’ , 19 January ) .
13 Members of the British Diabetic Association say Darlington 's Memorial is one of the few hospitals which does not have a diabetic liaison nurse .
14 An explanation for the large adsorption heats which does not invoke CO dissociation is discussed below .
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