Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Two other characteristics which mostly attracted indirect mention but which , nevertheless , were important included : purity , in the sense of not containing other substances ; dependability in the sense that the product can always be relied upon to meet the mothers ' standard ( viz softness , non-irritant , pure ) .
2 From time to time Jos would look over Mungo 's shoulder , suggesting tactics which invariably proved disastrous .
3 Group membership could promote ties which often transcended other loyalties .
4 Is it not ironic that the Government are introducing the Bill at a time when virtually all the political parties — parties which rarely find common ground , as we have tragically and sadly witnessed over the years — see eye to eye in opposing the scheme ?
5 The gargoyle shower heads which never saw running water .
6 In times of special crisis at home and abroad such as severe unemployment in East London , or famine in India , the Lord Mayor of London , and mayors of other towns , opened relief funds which often attracted large subscriptions .
7 Many of the identifications of portraits of Roman emperors which nowadays seem self-evident do in fact ultimately depend on the associations made by scholars since the Renaissance between these portraits and labelled coins .
8 Access is a database management system aimed at non-programmers which also uses graphical tools .
9 Other parasitic insects which may attack the vine are pyralis ( the larvae of the meal-moth which feeds on young shoots and leaves ) ; altise ( a beetle which feeds on the leaves ) ; phyptus vitis ( a microscopic mite which attacks leaves , flowers and grapes , rendering a condition known as erinosis , first recognised by red leaf blisters which gradually turn yellow ) and cochenilles ( various bugs which feed on the sap , weakening the vine ) .
10 The War drained men from many schools which then experienced great difficulty in maintaining staffing levels .
11 Pictures by the Andokides Painter often occur on vases which also carry black-figure pictures , repeating the scene ( as in figs. 86–7 , Herakles driving a bull to sacrifice ) or different .
12 They are not particularly finely knotted , but are well made , using thick yarns of excellent quality wool , and are produced in a range of mainly modern designs which frequently reflect 20th-century abstract art .
13 The international safeguards which apparently prevent civil nuclear material from being used for arms fuelling can be side stepped by nuclear powers like the UK ‘ for national security reasons ’ Priddle admitted .
14 The cones are concentrated in the fovea , and the rest of the retina has a higher proportion of rods which only provide monochrome vision .
15 The paragraphs which now follow single out some of the more important , more specialised , local collections , and particularly those which are likely to be of value to researchers working over a fairly wide geographical area , or concentrating on a single subject .
16 Money gifts for children include cash deposited in special children 's building society and bank accounts which usually have free gifts when new accounts are open .
17 Money gifts for children include cash deposited in special children 's building society and bank accounts which usually have free gifts when new accounts are open .
18 Money gifts for children include cash deposited in special children 's building society and bank accounts which usually have free gifts when new accounts are open .
19 The enlargement of the EEC to include Sweden , Finland , Austria and Switzerland can only have the effect of lowering the common denominator still further , and of weakening the position of those states which still have national interests to pursue in the world .
20 However , there are differences between popular national and local newspapers in both the style of reporting and in the type of cases which routinely get sustained coverage .
21 One of the most important compounds is water , since water acts as the suspension medium for the vital chemical reactions which later sustained living systems .
22 In the context of this paper it is very significant that of OECD 's 24 member states no less than 18 expressed strong interest in their proposal to identify educational policies which effectively support rural economic development .
23 Some policies which otherwise give good cover specifically rule out damage caused to the buildings in the course of repair , demolition or any work on the structure .
24 And that in fact what we already have in this county is a balance of policies which substantially favour environmental protection and this is just a means of adding another one which is another hurdle for any department to erm to actually er meet .
25 The excavation will be much larger than any recent work at Knossos and funding will be required far beyond the level usually provided by the British Academy and other research funds and foundations which traditionally support British archaeological work in Greece .
26 Similarly , in West Germany collective agreements have on occasion introduced new labour norms which subsequently became generalised minimum statutory standards .
27 Jahn-Teller distortions may occur in molecules which also show spin-orbit coupling , giving more complex patterns .
28 Of these the largest are the dorsal lateral geniculate body , in the thalamus , and the superior colliculus , in the midbrain , but there are a number of other sites which also receive direct retinal input .
29 All the Smarties have gone from the plates which now have small pink morsels on .
30 Inevitably the early history of anthropology became closely allied to the history of Darwinian evolutionary theory and many controversies which now seem obscure relate to the burning debates surrounding the concept of natural selection .
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