Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] [verb] to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In logic he had been taught to reach an acceptable conclusion by revising the steps which led to it .
2 Logic and precision are put aside and the final solution is more important than the steps which lead to it .
3 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
4 Put smaller amounts into any specialist funds which appeal to you but not too much in total and plot their performances .
5 As Bukharin pointed out : ‘ The limits to the applicability of these categories will become instantly clear if we define the basic conditions of existence for the real relationships which correspond to them ( i.e. , to these categories ) . ’
6 Er all I can say chairman is that the County Council is is working within the approved structure plan strategy which is based on restraint , based primarily on housing restraint but I think that 's what the County Council has done in its er employment land proposals is to set certain parameters which appear to us to really reasonably meet requirements of this authority 's resident population .
7 To reduce the number of words : ( a ) Select the words which seem to you to be important for retaining the important messages of the document key words , points of understanding or argument , main points in support .
8 It claims that the normal way to establish that a person has authority over another person involves showing that the alleged subject is likely better to comply with reasons which apply to him ( other than the alleged authoritative directives ) if he accepts the directives of the alleged authority as authoritatively binding and tries to follow them , rather than by trying to follow the reasons which apply to him directly .
9 It claims that the normal way to establish that a person has authority over another person involves showing that the alleged subject is likely better to comply with reasons which apply to him ( other than the alleged authoritative directives ) if he accepts the directives of the alleged authority as authoritatively binding and tries to follow them , rather than by trying to follow the reasons which apply to him directly .
10 The main argument for the legitimacy of any authority is that in subjecting himself to it a person is more likely to act successfully for the reasons which apply to him than if he does not subject himself to its authority .
11 Even so it may be that regarding each individual , he is less likely successfully to follow right reasons which apply to him anyway if left to himself than if he always obeys the directives of a just government including those which are morally reprehensible .
12 But theirs are reasons which apply to them and which do not depend on , i.e. are not meant to reflect , reasons which apply to their subjects .
13 If there are special political reasons then their use is justified to the extent that it enables individuals better to act for the ordinary reasons which apply to them .
14 The dependence thesis does not exclude the authority from acting for other reasons which apply to it alone , and not to its subjects .
15 Since this is a controversial subject , on which the weight of scholarly opinion probably still supports Böhmer 's thesis that the documents already existed in their contaminated form in 1072 , and were used by Lanfranc in this form , it will perhaps help to clarify a complicated issue if I set out as bluntly as possible the reasons which seem to me to point decisively to 1120 as the date at which the forged additions were inserted into the texts .
16 Due to unforeseen problems , they became so heavily involved in the project that both found it necessary to develop new skills which led to them becoming competent programmers in their own right .
17 The emperor , however , was not inclined to intervene for his own amusement , but to take cases which came to him through the hierarchy of appeal .
18 A less elevated but similar claim was made by Eudes II in a letter written to King Robert : ‘ If it is a question of the nature of the benefice you gave me , the fact is that it does not come from your domain , but from the estates which come to me with your consent by hereditary right from my ancestors . ’
19 In many respects , Weber provides an alternative source for a study of the rise of abstraction , the attitudes which relate to it , and the institutions it produced .
20 They can never realize the parental aspiration other than in a superficial way , and they are left not only with the envy of the sex they were meant to be , but also unable to enjoy the sex which they are and the advantages which pertain to it .
21 The legislation requires the secretary of state to prepare a schedule of monuments which appear to him to be ‘ of national importance ’ .
22 In Albert v. Lavin the question posed for the House of Lords was ‘ whether a constable who reasonably believes that a breach of the peace is about to take place is entitled to detain any person without arrest to prevent that breach of the peace in circumstances which appear to him to be proper . ’
23 But very often the major part of an individual 's activities stem from the duties and reciprocal obligations which fall to him by virtue of his roles as a social person .
24 Brandon L.J. , at p. 287E , set out the matters which seemed to him ‘ to give rise to an equity in favour of the defendants …
25 The Director of the Serious Fraud Office has decided to investigate suspected offences which appear to her to involve serious or complex fraud .
26 Ireland remained free to absorb ideas which came to her , like her trade , from almost every quarter of the known world .
27 You are unlikely to want to copy slavishly what you see in the magazines but you may choose to adapt those ideas which appeal to you in order to feel happier with the way you look .
28 Just brainstorm as many ideas as possible , including ideas which seem to you like obvious truths .
29 He did n't care two straws what happened to her .
30 And he asked me a lot of very pertinent questions which seemed to me more than idle curiosity .
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