Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] [verb] you [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So then you start thinking about visual images which give you this impression of power and menace , something like the Nuremberg Rallies of the 1930s , and use that as the basis of your inspiration .
2 Unless there are exceptional circumstances which render you liable to be sacked straight away ( a few examples are set out in Clause 9 in the sample agreement in Appendix 1 ) , you will be entitled to notice .
3 you divide three hundred and sixty by that number of sides which gives you this angle here , the angle at the centre .
4 You will get clear , concise particulars of properties in your range — choose the ones which interest you most and we 'll make arrangements for you to see them .
5 I was trying to suggest that instead of actually definitely writing novels with a very straightforward moral theme , the theme of the novel being that you must do this or terrible things will happen , instead of doing that erm she is anxious to write novels which show you moral possibilities , that somebody or other may actually get into difficulty because they fail to understand something about somebody else and I think that these novels are intended to tell people more about themselves that erm they might otherwise realize .
6 O K , well done , so we 've had two bonuses , so that must give you eight marks which makes you forty one .
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