Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [adv] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To keep our analysis fairly simple in this chapter , we adhere to the definitions given above and ignore the complications created by durable consumer goods .
2 Using the Black-Scholes model , evaluate the following calls and puts and compare your answers with the market values given below and account for any discrepancies : .
3 For an infinitesimal second his lips parted slightly and lingered .
4 There was only one difficulty , apart from the various standard cars overhauled there and put back into service , there were seven Feltham type cars awaiting spare parts .
5 Look at the transcriptions of a number of words given below and see if you can work out ( for the accent in question ) the environment in which [ ] is found .
6 As the dragoons beside the cannon prepared to advance , the Highlanders dashed forward and slashed at the horses ' noses , which sent the unfortunate animals , maddened with pain , into headlong retreat , scattering the supporting line behind them .
7 The concept , as employed by orthodox Marxism , goes from the singular to the universal and therefore , Sartre claims , detotalizes in a movement of ‘ decompressive expansion ’ , whereas incarnation involves ‘ a way of totalizing compression which , on the contrary , seizes the centripetal movement of all the significations drawn in and condensed in the event or in the object ’ ( II , 59 ) .
8 The fourth point , Chairman , er is the new settlement issue , and while that 's due for discussion on policy H Two , that issue does shall I suggest invade policy H One , because an appropriate form of words has to be agreed in policy H One to reflect the new settlement issue and as you 'll be aware the County Council is about a step by step approach towards the finalization of the new settlement erm strategy for Greater York , and then finally , a specific issue that you mentioned is the distribution of developments between the Greater York districts er within Greater York , now as you 'll be aware Chairman , that has been done informally , following the original structure plan in nineteen eighty the County and the Districts got together and agreed the distribution of housing and employment land in Greater York .
9 Keep your knees drawn up and fold your arms across your chest .
10 Each partner was to bring in £50 per share ; they were to meet once a month at least , with the accounts made up and settled every three months .
11 Most internal frames are made from aluminium strips bolted together and to get the best fit you should try to bed the frame to fit your own back shape .
12 Both teams include the same six central works for fortepiano , violin and cello , omitting the unfinished K442 — a ragbag of three probably unrelated movements gathered together and completed by Abbe Maximilian Stadler after Mozart 's death — and the ‘ Kegelstadt ’ Trio for Fortepiano , Clarinet and Viola .
13 If the horse is going to be shod , it should already be accustomed to having its feet picked up and filed .
14 The quay , which acted as the customs shed , was three rusting barges lashed together and covered with a roof of corrugated iron .
15 Although she was not aware of it she was , in her shabby white cotton blouse and her dark green skirt , with her blue-black and glossy curls drawn up and knotted simply on the top of her head , her face glowing and vital , the only touch of colour in the grimy street .
16 The outer door to the estate office slammed and the inner one opened with its uneasy stick and snuffle past the strips of draught-excluders worn down and added to over the years .
17 The recalcitrant firm , dependent on telephone selling , could n't afford to have its lines tied up and waved the white flag together with a cheque .
18 Tarred poles are laden with electrical wires looped out and pinned back like huge bunches of charred bananas .
19 Moreover strict conditions are laid down to ensure that the company is included in consolidated accounts drawn up and audited in accordance with the Seventh Directive and made available to the British public .
20 They may be made from aluminium , fibreglass or plastic , and can be anything from a simple pair of flexible aluminium or plastic bars to a complicated collection of alloy pieces riveted together and linked to the harness .
21 What I 'm gon na do is get the toilets , I 'm gon na get the toilets , the gents toilets , all the urinals ripped out and getting it troughed all the way around
22 Tensely , the airmen looked below and saw the crowded train reach the North Queensferry side in safety .
23 The historian D.L.W. Tough comments that the main pointers are in what is omitted rather than what is mentioned : barely a reference to shirts or nightshirts , and the possibility that even adult Borderers had their underclothes sewn on and removed as seldom as those of slum children in later industrial cities .
24 Let's get our beds made up and do our unpackin' .
25 However , in general , he was not allowed to go there since his presence excited all of the large apes housed there and interfered with any research that might have been going on .
26 His podgy , clean-nailed fingers locked together and formed a vaulted shrine over the few pages of notes that contained my Mother 's life .
27 It was strange how good and bad could run into each other , could appear as interchangeable : not the good of succouring the sick , nor the bad of shooting the helpless , but in the subtler regions of morality where things blended together and seemed to make the business of living easier .
28 Although this interest in pseudo-historical connections was Morgan 's primary concern , he was also one of the first anthropologists to understand that the names used to designate relatives are not simply determined by linguistic rules without reference to social factors ; kinship terms have an important social dimension , since relatives grouped together and called by the same term exhibit , at least in certain respects , shared patterns of behaviour .
29 Well at the time they put it on the market we , we all three thought that it would be a good idea if , if both families sold up and moved into something smaller and perhaps moved near to each other
30 I 'll get those fractions those multiplication tables printed out and get you a copy in the next few days okay .
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