Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] with [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Plasma active and total renin and prorenin concentrations rose with both types of treatment but the ratio of active renin to prorenin concentration was higher with enalapril than hydrochlorothiazide .
2 The presence of tattoo shops , ‘ topless ’ discothèques which offered dancing and music almost twenty-four hours a day were a reminder that Copenhagen was an active and important port , yet the overall effect was charming and romantic as flowers spilled out of window-boxes and the cafés and restaurants vied with each other to attract custom by the quality of their food and their individual décor .
3 However , many of the new stations began to feature a strongly marked nationalism as the assertive spirits of rival nations jostled with each other and advanced their claims for continental dominance with increasing stridency .
4 Cities vied with each other to build more beautiful towers .
5 Inhabitants of the worst-hit tower blocks fled with such haste that their washing is still hanging out .
6 The commodities boom had increased many less developed countries ' ( LDC ) export earnings , and imports rose with some lag .
7 Numerous factions squabbled with each other and among themselves .
8 The companies vied with each other to find new settings for the basic story-lines and messages that they had to put over .
9 Ramses reappeared with another boy of about 15 .
10 Social life for Malinowski was like capitalism for Keynes : ‘ a going concern ’ , in which individuals interacted with each other in pursuit of mutually rewarding transactions .
11 The reviewers of the 1807 Poems in Two Volumes disagreed with these principles .
12 ‘ I agree with you , Roger , but your troubles began with that piece of red silk .
13 The version Cranko first appears in 1850 , but the two versions competed with each other at least until the end of the decade .
14 This means a shed full of aquariums and two ponds interconnected with each other with a total water capacity of around 2000 gallons .
15 The final choice , yet to be made , centred as much around how the suppliers coped with these demands as much as the actual performance figures .
16 While officers struggled with each other to improve their own positions they often united to block any attempts at reform by the Crown .
17 To make the principle of representation effective , the regime had to create institutions in which the various social orders interacted with each other .
18 59% of respondents disagreed with this proposal , 82% of whom were sole practitioners .
19 Buildings of 20 storeys resonated with these vibrations and , as a result , the horizontal acceleration at the top of these buildings was five times greater than that at ground level .
20 Progress towards political diversity under Vietnam 's , primarily economic , Doi Moi or " rejuvenation " campaign [ see p. 36696 ] suffered a number of setbacks during the latter half of 1989 , as CPV leaders reacted with some unease at the trend towards pluralism among their communist allies in Eastern Europe .
21 In some instances , the followings of different leaders competed with each other for different favours .
22 BOHUNT and Mill Chase pupils vied with each other in a closely-fought end-of-term contest to win a place in the final of a quiz sponsored by Hampshire Racial Equality Council and the county education authority .
23 Those tourists arrived with little reputation .
24 Not many patrons wrote with such pomposity , though it was usual in subscription proposals or prefaces to volumes by labouring poets to include a description of the author as hard-working , moral , and content within his or her station .
25 As we have seen , some of the earlier and more enthusiastic apologists for pluralism , such as Dahl and Plamenatz , did suggest both that the spread of pressure and interest groups covered more or less the whole of society and also that such groups competed with each other on a roughly equal basis .
26 My conflicting thoughts argued with each other from pavement to pavement .
27 He reminds the visitor that so famed were Swiss soldiers for their heroism that monarchs vied with each other to hire them , and that the Swiss guards of Louis XVI died to a man in his defence when the mob stormed the Royal Palace in August 1792 .
28 Once on the walkway the gallant band of adventurers proceeded with some difficulty , since the hairiest one was feeling far from gallant or adventurous .
29 Bands of yellow light rose and fell across its surface ; diaphanous spokes rotating about rose-hued hubs intermeshed with each other , beautiful reflections of a deeper order within .
30 Questions were raised in the House of Commons about a group of local hippies arrested early in 1967 , and local MPs vied with each other to be in the vanguard of efforts to control the ‘ army of secret drug takers in the area … ( who need to be ) brought back from the brink of madness ’ ( Newcastle Evening Chronicle : 27 February 1967 ) .
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