Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] and [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 The other animals gasped and put their paws , trotters , wings — anything — over the piggies mouths .
2 Sharon and others , such as Donal Lunny , put down the basic tracks , and other musicians came and offered their contributions as the occasion demanded .
3 R Co 's directors disagreed and recommended their shareholders to sell .
4 Along with him I planted other wild trees , mostly native willows and the nurserymen came and added their more refined products .
5 ‘ I remember vividly being on night guard prior to the morning executions when some prisoners sang and rattled their tin mugs against the bars in some form of defiance .
6 There was a beating of wings overhead and a leathery , rustling sound and the slaves cringed and covered their faces .
7 Busy young mothers chivvied and scolded their children , balancing huge bags of shopping on their heads .
8 He shouted out the lyrics in a coarse powerful voice , and the musicians smiled and redoubled their efforts to keep pace with him .
9 It was a bright day with thin sunshine burnishing up from the snow and men blinked and rubbed their eyes as they crossed the open space between the two compounds , tramping over the road running down to the village and the railway line that stretched far the other way to Pot'ma .
10 Both men smiled and said their goodbyes .
11 Others shuffled and stamped their feet as the cold from the frosted pavement penetrated the thin soles of their shoes .
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