Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [noun sg] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The field of telecommunications had become politically sensitive since restrictions on simultaneous newspaper and television channel ownership by media groups became law in August 1990 [ see pp. 37510 ; 37624 ] .
2 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson 2 ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
3 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
4 In Magdeburg he and Matthies found that 2-Dgal injections produced amnesia in rats .
5 It had started in Zbonszyn , a small town on the Polish border where 7000 deported Jews found refuge in stables and barns .
6 The figure levitated , spinning , darting out its arms menacingly , hands crackling with light — and vanished , just as the guards opened fire in alarm .
7 Armed skirmishes took place in Dushanbe between supporters and opponents of the government in the first week of May and large demonstrations and counter-demonstrations were held , with up to 100,000 people gathering on May 5 .
8 At Dunston Activity Centre Don Estelle , of It Ai n't Half Hot Mum fame , danced a disco version of Whispering Grass while in Consett and Stanley ambulance drivers took part in stretcher races .
9 At Dunston Activity Centre Don Estelle , of It Ai n't Half Hot Mum fame , danced a disco version of Whispering Grass while in Consett and Stanley ambulance drivers took part in stretcher races .
10 Their eyes looked dark in faces too pale .
11 But , spilling 'em in Gillingham Her lobes felt light in Willingham , And nothing else is filling 'em , So now The poem 's Done !
12 Also , in 1920 , the first meeting or the League of Nations took place in Paris , with subsequent meetings at Geneva .
13 Apart from rifling the chests of the Excise offices in the towns they had occupied , the Scots had while in England behaved with remarkable correctness , but now they were increasingly described as thieves and ruffians , an attitude epitomised by the verses written about a group of Yorkshire sportsmen who formed themselves into a unit of amateur warriors known as ‘ The Royal Hunters ’ :
14 They were relaid and cars gained access in November that year .
15 Later thousands of Kurdish refugees sought sanctuary in Turkey and Iran .
16 Even when the Scottish and Welsh Bills became law in July 1978 it was clear that the issue was very far from settled and that the referendums , finally announced for 1 March 1979 , would be the decisive factor .
17 An image of Barbs rose unbidden in Scarlet 's mind : wide-eyed and frank with the spurious and shallow candour that belonged so particularly to those citizens of the USA who had undergone analysis .
18 Heavy rains and high winds of up to 100 km an hour affected Galicia , the Cantabrian coast and the provinces of Castille-León and Extremadura on Dec. 20-21 , and heavy rains accompanied by high winds caused flooding in Andalucia on Dec. 26 , a police officer losing his life .
19 Although he could be put to work on the roads , or in the gravel pits , or on a farm ( as a ‘ roundsman ’ ) , that work brought in no extra funds to his community ; many over-populated agricultural communities faced bankruptcy in consequence .
20 In July and August further successful general inoculations took place in Maidstone , Kent , and Ewell , Surrey .
21 The third Indonesian-sponsored informal meeting of the conflicting factions took place in Jakarta on Feb. 26-March 1 .
22 Tranmere Rovers went nap in front of their biggest gate of the season to inflict a heavy defeat on promotion chasing West Ham .
23 Delegates from 36 countries reached agreement in Brussels on Nov. 21 on a European Energy Charter , designed to ensure supplies of oil and gas from the republics of the Soviet Union .
24 This reinterpretation sets Keynes ' economics apart from the traditional equilibrium analysis of neo-classical theory which depended on some kind of tâtonnement process ( as described in Chapter 6 ) to ensure that all transactions took place in equilibrium .
25 The erection of the machinery , which was manufactured in London and transported to the head of the incline by canal , proceeded through the latter part of 1899 to practical completion in April 1900 , when trials took place.8 ; As a result of these trials , Thomas required some modifications to be carried out , after which final acceptance trials took place in May , 9 ; followed by an Official visit — perhaps the opening — by the Committee on 11th July , 1900.0 ; The photographs of the boats ‘ Marsworth ’ and ‘ Langley ’ passing through the lift were probably taken in April of that year .
26 In this endeavour the planners had support in Council since it was believed that national legislation had to be enforced and the result was that Orcadians suffered delays or refusals in their building applications .
27 A few decades later , the alleged philosophers and legislators made public in Greek their own philosophy and legislation .
28 His chapters on " Sleep " and " Reverie " , for instance , informed Coleridge 's development of ideas about dramatic illusion , and his evolutionist ideas found expression in Wordsworth 's Ode " Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of early Childhood " : Though inland far we be , Our souls have sight of that immortal sea Which brought us hither .
29 Allies received attention in proportion to their contribution to the Western alliance .
30 In Tanzania the Asians suffered attrition in stages as the combined effects of the Arusha Declaration and the nationalization of both private houses and wholesale trade ‘ cut them off at the knees ’ as Nyerere expressed it .
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