Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] through the " in BNC.

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1 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
2 Human eyes peered out through the empty sockets of beasts .
3 When two police cars raced in through the school gates she hid behind a wall .
4 There was the sound of running feet outside and the gate guards piled in through the crack .
5 Voices drifted up through the floorboards every Thursday night .
6 Balconies poked out through the burgeoning leaves .
7 The woman dropped the credits where he could n't catch them ; the thin plastic chips feathered down through the air and Mijnheer scrabbled after them , his dignity in shreds .
8 The keys came back through the post , without even a thank-you note .
9 The combination of clear , fragrant Alpine air , pedigree herds of cows , fresh milk and cheese-making skills handed down through the generations give the cheese its true taste and character .
10 White doves fluttered down through the doorway and children swarmed in and out .
11 Sticks against the dashboards , diving , brakes on , down , down , down … the more reckless pilots dived down through the barrage , but those with more vivid imaginations pulled out of their dives several hundred feet above the shellbursts .
12 Graceful spikes of lords-and-ladies pushed up through the earth below white-blossomed blackthorn .
13 As he did so , the three fire tenders roared in through the newly created gap .
14 The tiny river sounds came in through the open hatches .
15 Secondly , the feelings about parental figures are strong ; this is an emotionally highly charged area to work in , where each person 's experience will be unique ; family rules and prohibitions handed down through the generations hold sway .
16 The seventy seven year old collapsed after five police officers clambered in through the window to arrest her grandson .
17 I know the Counsellors restrict your access to books , but there must be legends , stories handed down through the years .
18 Their views trickled down through the student nurses ' years and were apt to be accepted as gospel , since that saved the students the bother of forming opinions for themselves , and also it was not often a student in her first couple of years , if not longer , had the opportunity to form any opinion on our men .
19 Xu 's generation is now categorised as ‘ middle-age ’ — chefs who have gained their qualification through professional training which enhances areas of traditional standards and techniques passed down through the generations .
20 Suragai came up through the trees .
21 In most liberal democracies it has gradually been supplemented by a new plebiscitary politics , based on the cult of charismatic leaders built up through the mass media .
22 As you drive , this NVH manifests itself in the form of tiny vibrations fed back through the steering wheel and the gruff , uninspiring sounds from the SE-FHE engine .
23 The 1970s LP reissues came about through the vision and advocacy of Jerrold Northrop Moore , who knew how important Elgar 's recorded performances were to an understanding of the composer and his music .
24 The smell of the flowers came in through the open windows of the bus .
25 It estimates the number of jobs lost due to improved productivity through the use of microelectronics and then deducts from these losses an estimate of the jobs gained through increased competitiveness and new markets opened up through the use of microelectronics .
26 Behind him , three more gipsies crowded in through the doorway .
27 In part the answer might lie in a ‘ revolution of rising expectations ’ , a growing , perceived contradiction between the overt ideologies of equality and the apparent growth in opportunities for women opened out through the educational and employment systems , on the one hand , and the actual experience of being a woman on the other .
28 The slightly over-sized holes you mention are no problem ; this is simply where the strung ball-ends pulled up through the table as the bridge came off .
29 Sidacai went out through the door , and Jehan speared another segment of apple and ate it while he considered how far the agreement which he had obtained from Sidacai could be trusted .
30 She turned as two uniformed policemen came in through the main entrance .
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