Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] i [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
2 ‘ There is a modicum of gentleness in your eyes and I presume that you are young enough to feel compassion .
3 I anticipate that in 1991 we will re-visit most of these subjects and I expect that we will address several others such as skills shortages , innovation policy and education policy proposals .
4 Well quite a lot , we we went out with them for a meal last night erm we had an interpreter who who was the only one that could speak English but it was it was well worth the evening , it did a lot for relationships and I think that there should be more of this in football , that off the field people should get to know each other a lot better and we felt at the end of the evening that it had been well worthwhile .
5 ‘ That will depend on my performances and I hope that as long as my form for Liverpool improves I will be knocking on the door .
6 I must choose my words with care as well that my clients and I think that there was very much an effect of people wanting to have a relief road , but also wanting to have it as far away from themselves a as they could have it .
7 I have n't seen the draft guidelines that came out yesterday for the registration of nursing homes but I understand that they do n't actually address these issues .
8 Er , I mean , I do n't go not because I do n't enjoy the pictures but I think that it 's got to be something really special .
9 In addition , I had hoped to put in motion programmes in 3 separate areas and I hope that they still may be started in the not too distant future .
10 Now , balance sheet with the lower debt and promising cash flow , of course , impacts on financial ratios and I think that this is the best measure of how we come through nineteen ninety one rather than the profits .
11 So I present this pattern I push it through the decoders and I see that that line 's maybe is active so I put a one in there to record the fact that that logic term er occurred .
12 Brian May is one of my favourite guitarists and I found that I could really relate to his window idea .
13 Nobody trusts the Trusts , it seems , except the Conservatives and I fear that we 're only a General Election away from a fully privatised Health Service .
14 You should take with you to the Bank your birth certificates and I suggest that you take some photocopies so that the Bank can forward these to the insurance company with your proposal form so that your ages can be admitted without further delay .
15 Next , I get one of those high-speed electric drills and I couple that up to the end of the cable in such a way that when the drill turns , it turns the cable backwards .
16 As I 've said , these regulations are apparently complex but merely affect a simple extension of rights to vote and candidacy in conformity with our treaty obligations and I hope that the house will approve these too .
17 He said : ‘ I realise I have been the bane of certain UKCC officers ’ lives and I hope that if I am elected I will continue to act as a grain of sand in the oyster .
18 modern traffic calming measures however er I believe we have experts on the Council er in these matters but I believe that by narrowing the road and perhaps giving us pavements because one of our problems is that we have not got a continuous pavement through the village , and it is necessary to cross the road four times in some cases to walk from one end to the other .
19 erm they have not in the past proved themselves to be the most capable o of people to er to support these things so in conclusion I 'd say that we must put this as part of a shopping list , the shopping list is on there er it is something to bring London and the South East of England which includes Hertfordshire and to make it an economic and viable area and look at the evidence of the other cities and I hope that er all of you will support the motion .
20 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
21 ‘ I have worked closely with Technology on a number of service projects and I know that they are committed to providing the best possible service , ’ said John .
22 Well , apparently that used to be the official advice er and , and we were correct in that but the authorities have now changed their minds and they no longer want us to pour waste chemical down the drains and I gather that the official advice now is that surplus diluted chemical should be poured , and I 'm quoting here , on to more or less level and bare soil in the garden or on to level gravelled paths , avoid disposal in areas around ponds , erm water courses and so forth , dishes and , and what have you and as far as undiluted chemicals are concerned , that 's stuff still in the bottle , the advice there is to talk to your local authority cos they have different regulations in different areas .
23 Now irrespective of what substantially complete coverage means or from one t when one takes the five year period , the message is clear , erm local authorities are expected to get on with their district wide local plans and I believe that this step by step approach on the new settlement is going to introduce delays into district wide local plan preparation .
24 We 've been in a couple of times and I said that I wanted a chaise you see ooh I got this erm one for Victorian one it 's very nice , and lovely warm you know , the legs anyway it was one one thousand three hundred you see , so I thought , oh I said well I did n't wan na
25 I have driven along that road to Scotland many times and I know that beyond my hon. Friend 's constituency it is not so good .
26 It came to something like 60 hours and I decided that I could share it between two people .
27 I 'm more concerned about erm future possibilities , not least the possibility that the , if we fight the next European election under first past the post system then of course there will need to be a further set of boundary changes in the very near future arising from the parliamentary boundary commission proposals and I hope that again that the minister will take the change in in his remarks a little later , to assure the house that this was , because of the time constraints and there are reasons for that that I 'll come to , but because of the time constraints that this was in fact just a one off proposal because its sad that party political considerations that the minister has eluded to , the difficulties that Conservative party had over the Maastricht bill , caused our boundary procedures to be tampered with at all in the U K. At the same time as we 're seeing er a welcome expansion of democratic forms in the rest of the world in erm Eastern and central er Europe , in South Africa for instance we see the erosion of these forms in the United Kingdom .
28 It was in its infancy in those days and I noticed that whenever David did a show for them , they dressed the set with every conceivable brightly coloured object , with the result you could hardly see him .
29 I have already spoken to the Deputy Chair of MCS and I understand that Dr Sue Gubay will be at the conference .
30 I would like to thank for the enthusiasm and commitment she has given to her ante-natal classes and I know that past ‘ students ’ will have been greatly reassured during their pregnancies by , appreciated her teaching and enjoyed her sense of humour .
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